Friday, December 27, 2019

How Is Geometry Used in Architecture

Architecture could be said to begin with geometry. Since earliest times, builders relied on imitating natural forms—like the circular Stonehenge in Britain—and then applied mathematical principles to standardize and replicate the forms. The Beginnings The Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria is considered the first to write down all the rules related to geometry in 300 BCE. Later, in about 20 BCE, the ancient Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius penned more rules in his De Architectura, or Ten Books on Architecture. Vitruvius is responsible for all the geometry in todays built environment—at least he was the first to write down the proportions for how structures should be constructed. Renaissance Popularity It wasnt until centuries later, during the Renaissance, that interest in Vitruvius became popular. Cesare Cesariano (1475-1543) is considered the first architect to translate Vitruvius work from Latin into Italian in about 1520 CE. Decades earlier, however, the Italian Renaissance artist and architect Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) sketched out the Vitruvian Man in his notebook, making da Vincis the iconic image imprinted onto our consciousness. The images of the Vitruvian Man are inspired by the works and writings of Vitruvius. The man portrayed represents the human being. The circles, squares, and ellipses that surround the figures are Vitruvian calculations of mans physical geometry. Vitruvius was the first to write his observations about the human body—that the symmetry of two eyes, two arms, two legs, and two breasts must be an inspiration of the gods. Models of Proportion and Symmetry Vitruvius believed that builders should always use precise ratios when constructing temples. For without symmetry and proportion no temple can have a regular plan, Vitruvius wrote. The symmetry and proportion in design that Vitruvius recommended in  De Architectura were modeled after the human body. Vitruvius observed that all human beings are shaped according to a ratio that is astonishingly precise and uniform. For example, Vitruvius found that the human face equals one-tenth of the total body height. The foot equals one-sixth of the total body height. And so on. Scientists and philosophers later discovered that the same ratio Vitruvius saw in the human body—1 to phi (ÃŽ ¦) or 1.618—exists in every part of nature, from swimming fish to swirling planets. Sometimes called a golden ratio or divine ratio, the Vitruvian divine proportion has been called the building block of all life and the hidden code in architecture. Geometry in Our Environment Sacred geometry, or spiritual geometry, is the belief that numbers and patterns such as the divine ratio have sacred significance. Many mystical and spiritual practices begin with a fundamental belief in sacred geometry. Architects and designers may draw upon concepts of sacred geometry when they choose particular geometric forms to create pleasing, soul-satisfying spaces. The following examples of geometry in the environment frequently influence architectural design. The BodyWhen studied under the microscope, living cells reveal a highly ordered system of shapes and patterns. From the double helix shape of your DNA to the cornea of your eye, every part of your body follows the same predictable patterns. Gardens The jigsaw puzzle of life is made up of recurring shapes and numbers. Leaves, flowers, seeds, and other living things share the same spiral shapes. Pine cones and pineapples, in particular, are composed of mathematical spirals. Honeybees and other insects live structured lives that mimic these patterns. When we create a floral arrangement or walk through a labyrinth we celebrate nature’s innate forms. Stones Nature’s archetypes are reflected in the crystalline forms of gems and stones. Amazingly, the patterns found in your diamond engagement ring may resemble the formation of snowflakes and the shape of your own cells. The practice of stacking stones is a primitive, spiritual activity. The SeaSimilar shapes and numbers are found beneath the sea, from the swirl of a nautilus shell to the movement of the tides. Surface waves themselves are patterned, like waves that pulse through air. Waves have mathematical properties all their own. The HeavensNature’s patterns are echoed in the movement of planets and stars and the cycles of the moon. Perhaps this is why astrology lies at the heart of so many spiritual beliefs. MusicThe vibrations we call sound follow sacred, archetypal patterns. For this reason, you may find that certain sound sequences can stimulate the intellect, inspire creativity, and evoke a deep sense of joy. The Cosmic GridStonehenge, megalithic tombs, and other ancient sites stretch across the globe along underground electromagnetic tracks or ley lines. The energy grid formed by these lines suggests sacred shapes and ratios. TheologyBest-selling author Dan Brown has made a lot of money by using the concepts of sacred geometry to weave a spell-binding tale about conspiracy and early Christianity. Browns books are pure fiction and have been hotly criticized. But even when we dismiss The Da Vinci Code as a tall tale, we cant dismiss the importance of numbers and symbols in religious faith. Concepts of sacred geometry are expressed in the beliefs of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, and other formal religions. Geometry and Architecture From the pyramids in Egypt to the new World Trade Center tower in New York City, great architecture uses the same essential building blocks as your body and all living things. In addition, the principles of geometry are not confined to great temples and monuments. Geometry shapes all buildings, no matter how humble. Believers say that when we recognize geometric principles and build upon them, we create dwellings that comfort and inspire. Perhaps this is the idea behind the architects conscious use of divine proportion like  Le Corbusier did for the United Nations building.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Teen Pregnancy - 1426 Words

Introduction Teen pregnancy is often unplanned and challenging for the future life of mother and child. The increase risk of health problems for both mother and baby occur during teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy impacts adolescent development in all aspects: physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. Negative consequences result from teen pregnancy include: low income, increased school dropout rates, lower educational levels, and increased rates of substance abuse (Garwood, Gerassi, Reid, Plax Drake, 2015). Risk factors of teen pregnancy lead to risky behaviors that increase the likelihood of teen pregnancy. Primary risk factors for teen pregnancy include: poverty, low socioeconomic status, limited maternal education†¦show more content†¦Interventions have shown to address issues related to adolescent sexual behavior such as reducing sexual partners, reducing unprotected sexual intercourse and decreasing teen pregnancy. Healthy Teen Transition is a teen outreach program, it is an intervention program that is offered in schools, after school programs and community settings. Healthy Teen Transitions teen outreach program overall goal is to help adolescents build relationships with supportive adults, build interpersonal skills and critical thinking. In efforts that adolescents will develop a positive view of their future through various opportunities and experiences while in the program (Walsh et al, 2016). Physical Development According to researchers Patel Sen (2012), teen pregnancy can result in severe physical health issues. Researchers conducted a study that examined the physical and mental health outcomes associated with teen pregnancy. Teen mothers were reported to have the poorest health of all women examined in the study. Teen mothers’ poor health may be linked to lack of education in prenatal and postnatal care. Teen mothers may neglect their own physical health in efforts to care for their child. Teen mothers’ physical health problems may be linked to lack of financial resources for adequate food, nutrition, and medication (Patel Sen, 2012). There has been little research that has examined teen pregnancy and theShow MoreRelatedTeen Pregnancy1023 Words   |  5 PagesDoes access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy? Adolescent pregnancies remain a concern in public health worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that annually about 16 million girls between 15 and 19 give birth. Indeed, in many countries policies and programs are developed and implemented for the prevention of teen pregnancy and reduction of risks and consequences it might cause. Furthermore, that a teenager becomes pregnant poses a risk to her health, her life and the fetusRead MoreTeen Pregnancy1246 Words   |  5 PagesA topic in American society that has proved to be an ongoing, and growing issue is that none other than teen pregnancy. In recent years, teen pregnancy rates have been increasing, which ultimately led to the topics increase of public and media attention. In American society teen pregnancy is often associated with negligence, as well as being irresponsible. In American society sex education for children is underdeveloped and instead society tends to use fear and shame to highlight/combat the dangersRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1546 Words   |  7 PagesTeenage pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20 at the time that the pregnancy ends. Low-income communities have the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the United States. Because of the fact that this is a very controversial issue in the United States, it is very important that most questions be addressed. Questions like, why is a teenage girl in Mississippi four times as likely to give birth as a teenage girl in New Hampshire? Or why is the teen birth rate in Massachusetts 19Read MoreTeen Pregnancy : Teenage Pregnancy1404 Words   |  6 PagesLauryn Jones Block 5 4/27/16 What is Teen Pregnancy? Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20. A girl can become pregnant from sexual intercourse after she has begun to ovulate which can be before her first menstrual period, but usually occurs after the onset of her periods. In well-nourished girls, menarche usually takes place around the age of 12 or 13. Most teenage girls don t plan to get pregnant, but many do. Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the motherRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1057 Words   |  5 PagesTeenage pregnancy is a common thing here in America. It seems teens are getting pregnant more than the average married couple. There are some risk factors teen moms face and there is also another great turn outs. There is a major difference between the two. It’s important to tell teens the turnouts of teen pregnancy for the good and bad parts. There are risks of having sex, teen moms can make a difference for her and the baby, the risk of having HIV and/or any other STD’s, and the effects on theRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1341 Words   |  6 PagesTeenage pregnancy is a prominent dilemma in our nation because it continues to place adolescents into delinquency. According to the United States Health and Human Services, three out of ten American teen girls will become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of twenty. That is nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies in a year (1) (HHS Pg.2 2014). Also according to U.S. Department of State, teen pregnancy budgets the United States and tax payers approximately seven billion dollars annually (2)Read MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1664 Words   |  7 PagesTerrazas English 4 Miss Stahlecker 4 November 2015 Teenage Pregnancy According to, in 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women that were in between the ages of 15-19 years old. Teenage pregnancy is a major concern in today’s society. This paper will talk about teenage pregnancy, statistics, ways to prevent teenage pregnancy, and after birth options. So why is teenage pregnancy so important? Some people are concerned about teens getting pregnant at such an early age. There are otherRead MoreEffects Of Teen Pregnancy On Teens1643 Words   |  7 PagesEvery teen has dream about how they want to graduate from high school and then go to college, but some teens are not willing to take the challenge. Some of these teens want to drop out of high school and other teens want to keep furthering their education. For some there are obstacle that life throw at them to be able to accomplish their goals. Earning an education is challenging enough, but when there is a teen parent trying to finish their education it becomes more difficult than it would beRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy905 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"16 and Pregnant†/ â€Å"Teen Mom† Promote or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy? (Agree/Promote) When it comes to the topic of do TV shows like â€Å"16 and Pregnant† and â€Å"Teen Mom† promote or discourage teenage pregnancy, most of us will readily agree that it in fact does promote teenage pregnancy. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of how does this promote teenage pregnancy. Whereas some are convinced that it promotes teenage pregnancy through the fame some of the young couples haveRead MoreThe Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On Teens978 Words   |  4 Pagesare getting younger in age, and the birth rate is rising higher. Mississippi has the highest birth rates in teen pregnancy, and has held this title for the past few years. This problem has had such a rise to fame because this is a problem that can be prevented. Parents and communities should take action to help lower the teen pregnancy birth rate in Mississippi. Since the birth rate in teens is so high that means there is more need of government assistance. This becomes such a problem in states because

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Taking the Risk Why It Matters free essay sample

What does taking a risk mean? It means stepping out of your comfort zone, and at times doing new things even if it terrifies you. One of the greatest risks I have ever taken was auditioning for my high schools fall play. Not only am I a person who has no performance experience, but I also stutter. The thought of performing in front of a large auditorium full of people terrified me. The reason I decided to audition was because I wanted to try something new and get involved in my schools theater program. On the day of the auditions, there was also a special acting workshop meant to warm us up. I walked into to the auditorium, and set my backpack down. I looked around and saw about twenty people, calmly getting ready. Soon we began special acting exercises such as the Machine where one person begins a motion and a sound, and others add on. We will write a custom essay sample on Taking the Risk: Why It Matters or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then we split into partners to rehearse parts from the play. I was incredibly anxious. After I delivered some of the lines my thespian line partner said Oh and I noticed you were stuttering. Was that for dramatic effect or do you really stutter? I was speechless. When it came time to audition, I was feeling apprehensive. I was put into a group of five and paired up with a person for a scene out of the play. I stood on a piece of faux parquet floor, left from the latest play, surrounded by the pitch black walls of the drama performance center. Across from me the director and two of his assistants sat in metal chairs like a jury about to deliver its final verdict. Needless to say I was really worried about making a good impression on the director. In the scene I played the role of a male painter disguised as a woman, because he had faked his own death in order to gain millions. The comedic effect of the scene was enhanced by the fact that my scene partner was playing an evil picture dealer bent on marrying me (the woman). We said our lines and, amazingly, I didnt stutter. Nevertheless it was awkward pretending to try and seduce a guy. Then the director had us switch roles and I played the evil picture dealer. We went through it several times, and finally the audition was over. I was so relieved, not to mention embarrassed. I left the audition thinking Well that was a flop, but hey it was a good experience, and I can always do crew. The next Monday I got a call. I had made the play. I was cast as the King of France. I was ecstatic. It was a lot fun doing the play, and it did really well. It was clear to me: My stuttering couldnt prevent me from doing the things I wanted to do, and that taking risks (even if they embarrass you) is well worth the time and effort.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Speech Class Essays - Nonverbal Communication, Gesture, Actio

Speech Class I am one of those who suffer from butterflies, that uncomfortable feeling in my chest and stomach, before speaking in public. This is not only a problem for myself, but it is also a common fear and a concern for many people. My purpose is to denounce a few dynamics I feel have helped me to become a more effective speaker and to manage my butterflies. I will prove to you that strong body language makes ideas and feelings more clear, vigorous and engaging. First, I will show how eye contact unconsciously engages the audience. Second, I will prove that vocal emphasis is the key to a vigorous speech. Third, I will confirm that gestures reinforce the ideas of the speech, making the speech clearer to the audience. I am able to tell how well my audience is engaging through eye contact. Eye contact is not achieved by looking out the window, at the ceiling or floor, or at notes too often. Good eye contact does not mean looking over the heads of people or moving quickly from face to face, or even picking out and speaking mainly to one member of the audience who seems interested. Rather, eye contact means looking into the eyes of a member of the audience and holding the gaze for a moment or two and then looking at other members of the audience in the same way. Through eye contact a sense of interaction is enhanced. I have learned through presenting my speeches that eye contact allows me to get to know and appreciate my audience as individuals, as they are given an opportunity to get to know and appreciate me. By means of eye contact, I am able to make ideas and feelings more clear. I am able to determine if I am being understood. I can detect signs of interest or lack of comprehension. I feel that I must eye the audience to really engage communication. Our voices naturally convey feeling. When we suppress our emotions or exert strong will power to control our actions, our voice reflects such activity. We may appear calm and even manage a smile, but there is edginess to our voice that shows the tenseness. An effective voice reflects the speaker's true feelings about the idea. A voice that reflects the speaker's personal involvement is generally vigorous. According to Wilbur E. Gilman, a graduate of Queens College of the City University of New York and author of The Fundamentals of Speaking, the speaker who develops the skills to control his voice gives his words richer and fuller meanings, makes his ideas clearer and more emphatic, brings out contrast in thought, expresses a variety of feelings, heightens his climaxes and total effect. Hypothetically speaking, a moving object always attracts attention. This principle is true in public speaking in the sense that a speaker can always count on moving his vocal emphasis by lowering or r aising his voice to help him gain or hold the audience's attention. Vocal emphasis is valuable for punctuating the speech and providing variety. I feel that the effective voice is vibrant, forceful, and varied. A voice that is alive is filled with the excitement and enthusiasm, which the speaker feels. In Franklin Roosevelt's fireside chats, I can see the importance of vocal emphasis. Roosevelt's speaking on the radio seemed spontaneous and intimate, as though he was in the living room with his listening audience. Therefore, I feel that through modulating my voice, I am able to establish the mood I want and my ideas efficiently. Gestures reinforce the ideas of the speech and as a result add clarity to the speech. Gestures should be kept simple and natural, so that they add to the speech not detract from it. Our spontaneous gestures, which are simply a reflection of our inner feelings, stimulate others to feel as we do. There is an old saying Tie a German's hands and he cannot speak. I believe this saying is filled with truth when applied not to Germans alone, but also to speakers in general. Gestures aid in adding description to ideas. For instance, when the fisherman tells us with the use of his hands that he caught one so

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bibliography Essays (801 words) - Science And Technology In France

Bibliography Marie Curie by Vicki Cobb Marie Curie Chemistry September 17, 2012 6 th Period Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowski November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. Marie Curie was born to both parents being school teachers that had high expectations of their five children. When Marie was nine years old, her mother died of tuberculosis. To help with the family's expenses, the Sklodowskis took in student boarders. Along with all of her brothers and sisters, Marie graduated with the highest grades in her class. However, Marie could not attend the men-only University of Warsaw. To continue her studies, Marie attended a "floating university" that held informal classes. Marie and her sister Bronya wanted to expand their knowledge and earn an official degree, but they weren't financially able to do so. The sisters worked out a deal that consisted of Marie working to support Bronya while she was in school , and then Bronya would do the same for Marie after she finished her studies. Marie worked as a tutor and governess for about five years. I n her spare time, she studied and read about chemistry, physics and math. In 1891, Marie moved to Paris and enrolled at the Sorbonne (University of Paris). Marie was dedicated to her studies; however, she had very little money and survived on bread and tea. In 1893, Marie completed her master's degree in physics and earned a degree in mathematics the next year. In the same year, Marie was asked to do a study on various types of steel and their properties. She needed a lab to work in and someone introduced her to a French physicist, Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were a brilliant pair that soon developed feelings for one another. The two scientists were both dedicated and devoted to working together and discovering new things. Marie was interested in the work of a French physicist, Henri Becquerel, who discovered X-rays. Marie began her own experiments with uranium rays and discovered that the rays remain constant no matter what condition or form uranium is in. She theorized that the rays came from the element's atomic structure. Marie named the phenomena radioactivity. In 1897, Marie and Pierre had a daughter, Irene. However, the birth of their first child did not slow down their studies. In fact, Pierre put aside his own studies to help Marie with her experimenting with radioactivity. In 1898, the two discovered a new radioactive element that they named polonium. Marie got the name from her native country, Poland. They also found another radioactive material in th e pitchblende, and they named it radium. In 1903, Marie was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in physics. She won this honor along with Pierre and her idol Henri Becquerel for their work on radioactivity. Because of their win, the Curies developed an international reputation for their discoveries, and they used the prize money to continue their research. In 1904, their second daughter, Eve, was born. In 1906, Marie and her two daughters suffered the loss of Pierre after he accidentally stepped in front of a horse-drawn wagon. After his death, Marie took over Pierre's teaching job at the Sorbonne. Once again, Marie made history by being the university's first female professor. In 1911, Marie won her second Nobel Prize, in chemistry, for her discovery of radium and polonium. Marie also became the first scientist to win two Nobel Prizes. When World War 1 started in 1914, Marie focused her time to helping the cause; she improved the use of the portable X-ray machine. After the war, Marie traveled to the United State s to raise funds to buy radium and establish a research institute in Warsaw. Marie's long years of working with radioactive materials took a toll on her health. On July 4, 1934, Marie Curie died at Sancellemoz Sanatorium in Passy, France of aplastic anemia. This was caused by the exposure of radiation. Marie Curie is the most famous scientist of all time and has won numerous honors. In 1995, Marie and her husband Pierre's remains were interred in the Pantheon in Paris (the final resting place of many of France's greatest scientists). Marie Curie became the first

Sunday, November 24, 2019

African Diaspora essays

African Diaspora essays After the Civil War and the emancipation proclamation by Lincoln the slaves of America were free. This was a huge step in making our country truly free to all people. The reconstruction of the south did not however work out smoothly for the freed slaves. There were many roadblocks along the way such as the Black Codes, the Plessy vs. Ferguson case and the terror of the Ku Klux Klan. The 14th amendment gave the freed slaves citizenship and some voting rights. From the reconstruction the 14th amendment the black Codes and the Plessy vs. Ferguson case all had significance on the status of African Americans from reconstruction to 1900. The radical republicans method of reconstruction called for an amendment that would do three things. Extend citizenship for all people. Punish the southern representation in the house if they didnt allow black voting, and not allowing and former confederates to hold office. These three things made up the 14th amendment. Also in the radical republican recon struction plan was the idea of station military in the south. This was very effective in giving the blacks their rights. Unfortunally when the military left the rights of the blacks went with them. The white supremacists treated the south as 2nd class people and were not given opportunities to get any jobs but manual labor. Also the KKK was formed to scare away blacks from voting and keep them in their so-called place, the plantation. The 14th amendment was a good thought, but it did not work out how the radical republicans had hoped going into the 1900s After Lincoln was shot in December of 1965, vice president Andrew Johnson took over office. He was a southern man and was not interested in blacks having the same rights as white people. Infact he encouraged southern states to intact laws limiting the blacks freedom. These laws were called black codes. They ranged in harshness through out the states but in all...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

History of music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of music - Essay Example Assuredly, music has evolved with time and we can now enjoy live concerts, audio music, videos, and instrumentals. It is arguably true that most people think and identify with the idea that only the elite and educated audience enjoys classical music. This follows an observation that only the snobs, intellectuals, racists, and educated people attend classical music concerts. Indeed, this has been a consistent tread and the mindset to believe in this argument has been there for decades. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact, there has been a common belief that the young generation, the less educated, and the less wealthy do not want to attend classical concerts because either they cannot afford entrance fee or they suffer inferiority complex because of the apparent intellectual superiority that entails a classical music concert. However, I can establish that this is not necessarily true as the same class of people easily afford pop and football tickets which are reasonably expensive that classical concert tickets. Hence, I derive that the only reason why the less educated or the public fails to attend classical music concerts is that they lack exposure to this genre of music. Otherwise, with significant exposure, everybody enjoys classical music. Therefore, I suggest that we introduce and encourage children to enjoy and recognize the beauty in classical music while still at school. With this, we will be able to eliminate the apparent inability to attend classical music concerts.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Are men the victims of equality in contemporary organizations Essay - 1

Are men the victims of equality in contemporary organizations - Essay Example The fact that such practices exist indicates that organizations are not gender neutral. Just like certain issues can place women in a disadvantaged position, there could be issues that can place men at disadvantage. It is this exclusion along with the perceived improvement of the position of disadvantaged groups that has contributed to the perception that men have been disadvantaged by equality (Burke and Black reading) However, with the magnitude of such special policies incorporated by organizations for women perhaps they are now putting men at a disadvantage. Besides, the gradual increase of women in workforce could pose the threat of marginalization to men in the organization. This paper discusses if men are turning into victims of equality in contemporary organizations. Given that they have always been the dominant sex and wielded power over women, can they really be victims? The paper discusses factors that may or may not contribute to men’s disadvantaged position. Given that men have outnumbered women in organizations it is difficult to conceive how they can be victims. Traditionally women have been perceived to be the victims of male domination in organizations. They are the ones who face the glass ceiling and find it difficult to get entry into senior positions. If they do manage to get there it becomes difficult for them to sustain at the top due to the isolation they feel from male dominated social network at top management levels. Current research builds on the findings that senior executive leadership is dominated by corporate masculinity, which accommodates women as ‘token’ or ‘other’ ( 1994; Maier 1999; Halford and Leonard 2001). According to Kanter’s Tokenism Theory (Kanter 1977-find articles) it would be the women who hold a token position in organizations. Since they have been the one to be considered

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Libyan Negotiations to Join the World Trade Organization Dissertation

Libyan Negotiations to Join the World Trade Organization - Dissertation Example The World Trade Organization was developed as the successor of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT was initially developed as an international organization dealing with multilateral agreements that focus on economic cooperation on a worldwide level. It was developed together with the Bretton Woods institutions – the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. When it was established, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade were merely composed on twenty-three members. As time passed by, the membership therein has increased to fifty which in turn also launched the initiatives pertaining to the establishment of the World Trade Organization. As reflected in the earlier parts of this introduction, the establishment of the World Trade Organization is premised on its capacity to enforce global trading by providing important rules and regulations related thereto. The proponents of the World Trade Organization ha ve then been responsible for the development of the charter of the former. In the same manner, they are also given the task to come up with bilateral or multilateral agreements that cover the following in the international arena: (1) labor, (2) business practices, and (3) investments. Finally, the members of the World Trade Organization are also concerned with the significant reduction of trade restrictions so as to be able to properly implement the tenets of free trade, as envisioned by the World Trade Organization.... ablishment of the World Trade Organization is premised on its capacity to enforce global trading by providing important rules and regulations related thereto. The proponents of the World Trade Organization have then been responsible for the development of the charter of the former. In the same manner, they are also given the task to come up with bilateral or multilateral agreements that cover the following in the international arena: (1) labor, (2) business practices, and (3) investments. Finally, the members of the World Trade Organization are also concerned with the significant reduction of trade restrictions so as to be able to properly implement the tenets of free trade, as envisioned by the World Trade Organization. 8 9 The establishment of the World Trade Organization has likewise been propelled by the aftermath of the two World Wars.10 Indeed, countries all over the world have identified the two World Wars as well as the Great Depression as the darkest years in the history of human kind.11 It is in relation to this fact that they have considered the significance undertaking various steps in order to promote progress.12 Parenthetically, the establishment of international institutions is premised on the need to promote not just global peace but also, global prosperity. Once again, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the predecessor of the World Trade Organization was primarily established as an avenue where disputes related to trade can be submitted.13 14 The immediate and effective resolution of these trade disputes is deemed of paramount importance in the attempt to reduce the chances of another World War. The complicated issue related to globalization is one of the major sources of disputes amongst countries. As a result thereof, it is of utmost

Friday, November 15, 2019

History of the Barcode and Its Applications

History of the Barcode and Its Applications INTRODUCTION The innovation of barcodes has really emerged as one of the biggest innovation and it has been very influential for the inventory handlers. Especially if we look at the supermarkets it is a very tough business because it involves a lot of inventory handling. Maintaining inventory which is not too much and not too less is a very critical issue for the owners. But with the advent of this automatic readable technology things are quite easy and speedy nowadays. This paper tells us that how initially supermarkets had to manually count and keep track of their inventories and not only supermarkets but all the industries who involve handling of large amount of inventories had to come across high costs and it also took a lot of time, but the emergence of this remarkable innovation has speed up the processes which has eventually helped lowering costs, saving time and last but not the least in satisfying customers. This paper also focuses on the different types and dimensions of innovation and explains that how the innovation of barcodes fit into those dimensions. 2 BARCODES Standardized tags are the most prevalent of the programmed information passage strategies. It is an example of parallel bars and spaces of variable widths orchestrated in a particular decided example to speak to a comparing number, letter, or image. The data in a standardized tag is held in the relative thickness and relative position of the lines and spaces inside the particular information characters. Scanners change over the bars and spaces into usable data for information passage. HISTORY While it may appear as though standardized tags have been with us everlastingly, standardized tags didnt generally have an effect until the 1970s. It wasnt until 1974 that the first standardized identification scanner was utilized and the first item bar coded. Be that as it may the thought had been around for a short time. In 1932, Wallace Flint proposed that a mechanized retail checkout framework may be practical. While His idea was considered unworkable, Flint kept on supporting the thought of computerized checkout all through his vocation. Actually, Flint, who happened to turn into the VP of the relationship of evolved ways of life around 40 years after the fact, was instrumental in the improvement of the UPC (Universal Product Code). Throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s few code organizations were created including a bulls-eye code, numeral codes, and different arrangements. Retail applications drove the early innovative improvements of bar coding, yet mechanical applications soon emu lated. 3 Initial Uses of Bar Codes In 1948, a nearby natural pecking order store holder approached Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia getting some information about exploration into a system for consequently perusing item data throughout checkout. Bernard Silver, a graduate understudy at Drexel Institute, alongside individual graduate learner Norman Joseph Woodland, teamed together to create an answer. Forest initially proposed utilizing ultraviolet light delicate ink. A working model was manufactured yet dismisses as being excessively unsteady and lavish. On October 20, 1949, Woodland and Silver succeeded in building a working model depicting their development as article arrangement†¦ through the medium of distinguishing examples. On October 7, 1952, they were allowed a patent for their Characterizing Apparatus and Method. Deliberations to create a working framework quickened in the coding was initially utilized industrially as a part of 1966, yet to make the framework satisfactory to the b usiness overall there would need to be an industry standard. By 1970, Logicon Inc. had created the Universal Grocery Products Identification Code (UGPIC). The main organization to deliver standardized identification supplies for retail exchange (utilizing UGPIC) was the American organization Monarch Marking (1970), and for modern utilize, the British organization Plessey Telecommunications (1970).in 1972, a Kroger store in Cincinnati started utilizing a bulls-eye code. Throughout that same time period, an advisory group was structured inside the staple business to choose a standard code to be utilized as a part of the business. IBM proposed a configuration, based upon the UGPIC work and like todays UPC code. On April 3, 1973, the board chose the UPC image (focused around the IBM proposal) as the business standard. The accomplishment of the framework from that point forward has prodded on the improvement of other coding frameworks. George J. Laurer is viewed as the designer of U.p.c. alternately Uniform Product Code. In June of 1974, the first U.p.c. scanner was introduced at a Marshs general store in Troy, Ohio. The main item to have a standardized tag was Wrigleys Gum. 4 Today Today, standardized tags are all over the place. Rental auto organizations stay informed concerning their armada by method for standardized tags on the auto guard. Aerial transports track traveler gear, lessening the possibility of misfortune. NASA depends on standardized identifications to screen the many high temperature tiles that need to be supplanted after every space shuttle excursion, and the development of atomic waste is followed with a scanner tag stock framework. Standardized identifications even show up on people! Style fashioners stamp standardized tags on their models to help direction design shows. (The codes store data about what equips each one model ought to be wearing and when they are expected on the runway). New era of Bar Codes opens potential outcomes for new applications, for instance Data Matrix permits a lot of data to be put away in a little space. This is for instance is utilized within health awareness division. Scanner tags are as of now the best known a nd most generally utilized programmed ID engineering. Future The eventual fate of programmed ID, on the other hand, is likely in radio recurrence (RFID). Modest transmitters implanted in things dont oblige a viewable pathway to the scanner, nor are they subject to corruption by presentation. Effectively being used in retail locations to help forestall shoplifting and on toll streets to speed activity, the essential obstruction to more extensive utilization of RFID has been the expense of the silicon chips needed. Today, the five-penny chip is close nearby. On the off chance that the expense might be lessened to short of what one penny a chip, later on your breakfast oat box will be a radio transmitter. 5 THEORIES OF INNOVATION Developing a new product is not that easy as it may seem to be, it requires a lot of continuous effort and determination on the end of the producer. An innovative product is of great benefit not only to its users but it is of great value to the innovating firm as it generates higher value for the firm and allows the firm to enjoy a better competitive position in the market. But it should be kept in mind that developing an innovative does not means that the struggle has ended. When an innovative product enters a market it creates a lot of hype but as the time passes it may start to lose its uniqueness and its exciting features may start to fade, this might be due to competitors copying the product or the simply the users get bore of using it. Therefore, the companies have to strive continuously to maintain their innovation for a longer period of time. Similarly innovation can be in the form of better services which provide better quality and customer satisfaction at a price lower than the competitors. Financial markets involve service innovation as the try their level best to facilitate and satisfy their customers. But the innovative edge and this level of high satisfaction among the customers remains until the innovation is not imitated by the competitor. There remains a lot of pressure on the innovators to innovate continuously to maintain their strategic edge over the other firms and in order to do so some firms may look to bring some changes to the product design, some ponder over the quality, some try to wipe out their enemies by controlling and lowering the cost and some of the innovating firms look to bring changes into their processes. 6 So, the only way of maintaining your strategic advantage is to innovate continuously and there are several theories for it. S-curve The S-curve measures the adoption rate of an innovation. At x-axis we measure the time and the percentage of market penetration is measured at the y-axis. At its early stages the adoption rate of an innovation is at the lower side and only the innovators are accustomed to the product, afterwards some early adopters emerge as they try using the new product and finally the late majority and laggards come into act, all this pattern is visually shown by the S-shape curve. The process of innovation basically starts with a new idea. The stage is very crucial as there are very key questions to be answered by the innovating firm which include funding and testing of the new product as early adopters are ready to give a try to the new technology or new product or service. After the early adopters firm makes decisions on its target market and it is the point when the new product moves from specific segments to more diverse segments and the company starts shifting towards mass production which ultimately leads to standardization. Due to standardization market tends to mature. At the latter stage people who avoid risk or simply you can say late adopters join the party and start using the product. At this stage the only room left for innovation is in the form of design, quality and economies of scale which is known as incremental innovation. 7 Technology Push: A technology push is a situation when the firms are forced to carry out an innovative process due to some emerging technology or due to a new combination of existing technologies. Sometimes in order to stay in the market race and to maintain a good strategic advantage companies have to carry out an innovative process unwillingly, for instance if your competitor deploys new quality which enhances quality of the final product and increases its chances to be praised highly by the end users then you are forced to innovate and bring some new and exciting to match or surpass your competitor. On the other hand sometimes technological opportunities may provoke or push firms to innovate. Market pull: The ultimate goal of an organization is to maximize its profit and it is only possible if caters its market in an efficient manner. Sometimes need for a new product or solution to a problem may be demanded by the customers themselves. The need is identified by potential customers or market research. This situation is referred to as Market pull. Disruptive innovation The theory of disruptive innovation involves introduction of a product which is primarily aimed at providing simplicity, convenience, accessibility and affordability in an environment where 8 intricacy and high costs are the dominant factors. Initially disruptive information is applied to niche market but eventually the new concept or technology transforms the whole industry. Disruptive innovators are not regarded as breakthrough forces but they are considered a positive force they may not help in making a product or service better but they surely contribute a lot to make sure better accessibility and availability of the product or service. Breakthrough innovation As the name suggests breakthrough innovation is something like ‘’out of the box’’ solution for any problem which cannot be compared to existing technologies or methodologies. Mostly the research and development departments are responsible for this innovation and the process is carried out in the labs as it requires constant research. The innovators looking for breakthrough do not have customers in mind because this innovation is initially focused at the supply side of the supply chain and then if required the technology is pushed on to the customers. APPLICATION OF THEORIES The innovation of barcode according to me should be termed as process innovation as it totally changed the way the inventories were managed before, specially the cumbersome job of the supermarkets has seen a great relief by the advent of this automatic readable technology. Barcodes have reduced time and saved a lot of costs, initially supermarkets owners had to count all the items on their shelves to stay updates with the inventory status and they had to employ several people for this task which obviously resulted in higher costs and it suck a lot of time also. 9 This for companies has not only reduced costs or decreased the time but it has also been influential in satisfying customers, the customers do not have to wait for long for the bills on the counter, the barcode reader is flashed on the barcode which is on the product and the price of the product emerges in seconds on the cashier’s computer screen. According to S-curve initially the users of bar-coding system were limited as the early adopters of this remarkable innovation were the supermarket owners who actually initiated or felt the need for such a product but as this technology started getting recognition it was seen as a big hit and it was deployed by each and every industry which had to deal with bulks of inventory. The innovation of a barcode is a technological development as it completely revolutionized the way the inventories were handled. Barcode is a pure case of market pull as it was initiated from the market as a president of a supermarket felt the desperate need of this remarkable innovation. Apart from that it is also disruptive innovation as it has made the handling of inventory more convenient, accessible, time saving and less costly as it was ever before. Barcode can also easily be termed as breakthrough innovation because it has been a real out of the box thing, no one at the time of its introduction would have thought even for a second that something as remarkable as barcodes will come and ease up the complex lives of the inventory handlers. 10 Bibliography Brown, S. A. (April 2001). A History of the Bar Code. Herstatt, P. D. (August 2000). Management of â€Å"technology push† development projects. Ryan, V. (2013). WHAT IS MARKET PULL. Seideman, T. (n.d.). Barcodes Sweep the WorldTony Seideman. Tumati, P. (n.d.). Types of Innovations.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Scarlet Letter And Ministers B :: essays research papers

In every difference there is also some sort of similarity. This is true with anything on earth. This is also obvious in literature. The novel the Scarlet Letter and the short story “The Ministers Black Veil'; are very different, but in every way they’re different they can be shown alike also.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One example of this is the writing style of the two stories. They are different. The obvious difference is the Scarlet Letter is a novel but the “Ministers Black Veil'; is a short story. The stories take place in two completely different places. Also the people portrayed have different roles in society showing that the writing of both is diverse and yet they are the same.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How? that is the question. Both stories are written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. In both of the stories he has a style in which he gives vague descriptions and sets the scene. Then he flows into the story. Also both the stories deal with religion and sin which is from the main character. Also the sin is represented by a piece of cloth and this is very effective and is included in hawthornes writing style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Speaking of Characters that is another difference between the two stories. The most obvious difference is the sex of the characters. The minister being a guy and Hester a female. Also the nature of the Characters sin is different. Hester being an adulteress and the ministers sin being unknown. Also the item used in representation of their sin is different. Hester had the elaborately stitched and extremely colorful and pretty letter where the minister had a veil a plain black veil. The profession of each was different hester being a seamstress the minister being well a minister. And hester came out of this whole thing with a kid the minister didn’t.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In every difference you find a likeness as seen in the characters of the stories.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Recycling and Dear Fellow Friends.standing

Recycling Good morning to our beloved teachers, Puan Rusni and my dear fellow friends. Standing here today,I would like to deliver a speech entitled,†Recycling. † According to the Asian Development Bank,rapid development,rising personal consumption and unprecedented levels of waste in Asia where cities will generate on estimated 1. 8 million tonnes of rubbish per day by 2025. In Malaysia alone,we produce over 15,000 tonnes pf rubbish daily and it is a matter of time before we run out of space to dispose them.In dealing with this phenomenon,we shall discuss some of the suggestions that all of us can adapt through the process of recycling to conserve the environment. One of the ways to recycle is to sell old newspapers to the junkman who will eventually send them to the recycling centres. By selling the old newspapers,we can earn some extra money at the price of RM0. 03 per kilogramme of old newspapers. Buying recycled paper is also another option. On the average,about 17 m arket sized trees are felled to produce a tonne of paper or one tree is felled to produce 20 reams of A4 size paper.Today,we recognise the limits of resource demand and this is the reason why recycled paper is critical part of our aspiration for a healthy global environment. We should also use both sides of a sheet of paper because it cultivates the habit of not being wasterful while saving our earth from further deterioration. In addition,glass bottles should be recycled. The energy saved by recycling a glass container can light a 100-watt bulb for up to four hours. Avoiding the use of plastic products is another recommended way to protect our Mother Nature because plastic is non-biodegradable,it may survive as long as 700 years.Apart from that,it is indispensably necessary for us to save water and electricity as much as possible. We have to save electricity because we are running fast out of fossil fuels. The fossil fuels saved by turning off the water taps while brushing our teet h. By doing this we can save the energy used to filter purify and transport the water to the end users. On the other hand,electricity can be saved by switching off the light,television,radio and fan before leaving any rooms.This is because the primary environmental impact of electricity consumption is the production of greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. Hence,saving electricity is the key preserve our Mother Nature, Another advice that everyone ought to take head of is not to throw away leftover rice but instead,make fried rice,tamarind rice,pepper rice and yoghurt rice. This is because many poor nations of the Third World countries are suffering from famine and malnutrition due to accute shortage of food such as Mozumbigue and Sudun and Myannar.Lastly but not least,we can also use water for washing clothes to wash our parents'cars and other non-drinking purpose such as watering plants,washing toilets and mapping floors. As a conclusion,our planet is in a bad shape but most people choose to be indifferent to the effects initiated by the goverment to safeguard to dire condition of the environment. Majority of Malaysians choose to ignore the gathering storm clouds and hope the problem will magically take care of itslef.In Klang Valley,for instance,it produces more than 5000 tonnes of rubbish everyday which can cover the whole of Petronas Twin Towers,one of the tallest buildings in the world,in ten days and this is the reason why we must reduce,reuse and recycle. Whether the planet lives or dies,it depends on us and so,everyone plays a significant role by starting to recycle even from homes because a small change in behaviour has a measurable impact on our Earth. Thank you for lending me your ears. I hope all of you are benefited from my speech today.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Discovery of Chinese Silk and the Silk Road

The Discovery of Chinese Silk and the Silk Road It is well known that silk is discovered in China as one of the best materials for clothing- it has a look and feels of richness that no other materials can match. However, very few people know when or where or how it is discovered. Actually, it could date back to the 30th Century BC when Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) came into power. There are many legends about the discovery of silk; some of them are both romantic and mysterious. The Legend Legend has it that once there lived a father with his daughter, they had a magic horse, which could not only fly in the sky but also understand human language. One day, the father went out on business and did not come back for quite some time. The daughter made him a promise: If the horse could find her father, she would marry him. Finally, her father came back with the horse, but he was shocked at his daughters promise. Unwilling to let his daughter marry a horse, he killed the innocent horse. And then a miracle happened! The horses skin carried the girl flying away. They flew and flew, at last, they stopped on a tree, and the moment the girl touched the tree, she turned into a silkworm. Every day, she spits long and thin silks. The silks just represented her feeling of missing him. Finding Silk by Chance Another less romantic but more convincing explanation is that some ancient Chinese women found this wonderful silk by chance. When they were picking up fruits from the trees, they found a special kind of fruit, white but too hard to eat, so they boiled the fruit in hot water but they still could hardly eat it. At last, they lost their patience and began to beat them with big sticks. In this way, silks and silkworms were discovered. And the white hard fruit is a cocoon! The business of raising silkworms and unwinding cocoons is now known as silk culture or sericulture. It takes an average of 25-28 days for a silkworm, which is no bigger than an ant, to grow old enough to spin a cocoon. Then the women farmers will pick them up one by one to piles of straws, then the silkworm will attach itself to the straw, with its legs to the outside and begin to spin. The next step is unwinding the cocoons; it is done by reeling girls. The cocoons are heated to kill the pupae, this must be done at the right time, otherwise, the pupas are bound to turn into moths, and moths will make a hole in the cocoons, which will be useless for reeling. To unwind the cocoons, first put them in a basin filled with hot water, find the loose end of the cocoon, and then twist them, carry them to a small wheel, thus the cocoons will be unwound. At last, two workers measure them into a certain length, twist them, they are called raw silk, then they are dyed and woven into cloth. An Interesting Fact An interesting fact is that we can unwind about 1,000 meters long silk from one cocoon, while 111 cocoons are needed for a mans tie, and 630 cocoons are needed for a womans blouse. Chinese people developed new way by using silk to make clothes since the discovery of silk. This kind of clothes became popular soon. At that time, Chinas technology was developing fast. Emperor Wu Di of western Han Dynasty decided to develop trade with other countries. To build a road becomes a priority to trade silk. For nearly 60 years of war, the world famous ancient Silk Road was built up at cost of many losses of life and treasures. It started from Changan (now Xian), across Middle Asia, South Asia, and West Asia. Many countries of Asia and Europe were connected. Chinese Silk: a Global Love From then on, Chinese silk, along with many other Chinese inventions, were passed to Europe. Romans, especially women, were crazy for Chinese silk. Before that, Romans used to make clothes with a linen cloth, animal skin, and wool fabric. Now they all turned to silk. It was a symbol of wealth and high social status for them to wear silk clothes. One day, an Indian monk came to visit the Emperor. This monk had been living in China for several years and knew the method of raising silkworms. The Emperor promised a high profit of the monk, the monk hid several cocoons in his cane and took it to Rome. Then, the technology of raising silkworms spread out. Thousands of years have passed since China first discovered silkworms. Nowadays, silk, in some sense, is still some kind of luxury. Some countries are trying some new ways to make silk without silkworms. Hopefully, they can be successful. But whatever the result, nobody should forget that silk was, still is, and will always be a priceless treasure.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Pans Labyrinth Essays

Pans Labyrinth Essays Pans Labyrinth Essay Pans Labyrinth Essay Pans Labyrinth The director Guillero Del Torro uses many motifs and parallels in his film Pans Labyrinth. The most obvious parallel in the film is the parallel between the real world and the fantasy world of the character Ofelia. Both worlds are filled with danger. At any second in both of these worlds your life could be lost. Del Torro separates the real world from the fantasy world with many visual motifs. One of the visual motifs is the extreme differences in the color of the worlds. In the real world the director uses blues and green and other dark hues. The dark colors help to represent the dark realities that are taking place out side in the real world. The fantasy world is full of warmer colors such as red and gold. These warm colors help to give off a fairy tale type world and really help the audience to differentiate the two worlds. A example of the dark colors used in the real world is during the dinner of Captain Vidal. At the dinner there are many people from the community present each one is dressed in dark clothing. The dinning room is very dim and there is not very much light on the table. The dinning room of the fantasy character pale face is a example of warm colors being used in the fantasy world. In the hall of pale face there is a lot light which lights up the room. The table is very lit up and the food on it can easily be seen. Mercedes the servant and the faun from the fantasy world is also a parallel which is in the film. Both characters share many of the same characteristics. Both character are very sneaky. Both character befriend the the young girl Ofelia and both have anterior motives to what they are doing. Mercedes is working for the Captain Vidal as a servant. She washes the Captains clothing and makes him dinner. She acts as if she is his friend but in reality she is a spy for the rebels and is taking advantage of working for the Captain to send the rebels supplies and tell them important information about the Captains army. The faun persuades Ofelia that he is helping her. She thinks that he is her friend but really he is using her so that he can get back to the underworld that he belongs to. The theme of the movie is making choices and being desobidiant and going against what everyone says is right or normal. Ofelia makes many choices in the film. She makes the choice to prove that she is worthy to return to the underworld. She makes the choice to crawl in the frog hole and she made the choice to eat the grapes in Pale Faces dinning room. The biggest choice that she makes though is the choice she makes to deny the Faun and not give him her baby brother. This choice turns out to be her most important choice that she will make. A example of disobedience is Mercedes. Mercedes was disobedient to the Captain. Her disobedience put her at great risk. She had to take chances. The chances she took ended up paying off in the end when the rebels finally ended up taking out the Captain and his army. From the film one can learn the importance of taking chances and making choices. The film also teaches us about disobedience. Are desobidance puts us at risk, but is important to do what we feel is right. The film also teaches the harsh realitys of war and how it can cause men to do terrible things.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

I would like you to pick one Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I would like you to pick one - Assignment Example Vested parties and prosperous Americans whom Gilens characterized as the main 10 percent of salary earners—have unbalanced impact on the course policymaking takes. Strategies included on national family assumption studies have a 1-in-5 possibility of passing in the event that they are supported by 20 percent of the rich. On the off chance that they are supported by 80 percent, the approach passes simply under a fraction of the time. A normal voters inclination barely matter. Indeed workers guilds, social liberties associations, and so forth do little to help the impact of poor and center wage Americans. Gilens and his partner Benjamin Page of Northwestern University have barely distributed a study to further demonstrate this relationship. In it, the creators analyze four hypotheses for whos molding policymaking in the United States—normal voters; world class people; vested parties speaking to the wishes of diverse voter fragments; and vested parties supporting for specific policies. Most reporters have been startled by its decisions. It closes with negative tones. The American population really has little impact over the arrangements or policies that our legislature embraces. Whats more if "policymaking is overwhelmed by influential business associations and a little number of prosperous Americans," as they discovered, "Americas cases to being a majority rule pop culture are genuinely debilitated." Has American governmental issues dependably been so? As the creators bring up, a lot of researchers contend that "a boss point of the composers of the U.s. Constitution was to secure private property", and this "favored the financial diversions of the affluent as opposed to the investment of the then-larger part." Yet populism has had its minutes in American legislative issues. Few rich Americans enjoyed the New Deal; most poor and center wage ones did. FDR was indubitably chosen with a mainstream order. At the same time in the later decades Gilens and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Leadership and motivation in Virgin Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership and motivation in Virgin Media - Essay Example Motivation helps increase productivity. Two motivational theories are Herzberg two factor theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Herzberg’s two factor theory is a motivational theory that identifies job context as the source of job dissatisfaction and job content as the source of satisfaction (Schermernhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003). The theory is divided in motivator factors and hygiene factors. Hygiene factors are sources of job dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors in job content that affect dissatisfaction include: Motivator factors in job context that affect job satisfaction are achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and growth. This theory is popular due to its simplicity and direct linkage to behavior of the employees. The theory also has its critics. â€Å"Some say its methodology does not address the notion that when things are going well people tend to look at the things they enjoy about their job† (Mindtools, 2014). A content theory of motivation develop by Abraham Maslow in 1943 is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Cherry, 2014). The theory is composed a pyramid of five needs that can be categorized as higher order or lower order needs. The five needs in ascending order are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. An illustration of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is shown below. The physiological need include most basic needs such as food and water. Safety needs are security, protection, and stability. Social needs are associated with love and affection. Some esteem needs are respect, recognition, prestige, and competence. Self actualization needs deal with fulfillment and growth. This motivation methodology is fairly easy to implement which has made the theory popular in the business world. It is in the best interest of Virgin Media to motivate its staff because doing so will increase the performance of the business. Virgin Media is the UK’s first provider of all

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Formulation of Strategy and Its Effects on Organizational Structure Essay

Formulation of Strategy and Its Effects on Organizational Structure - Essay Example If the strategy is effective, it would result in an efficient organizational structure and the organization would be able to achieve its goals successfully. Therefore, the following discussion takes into account the fact that the formulation of strategy takes precedence over the determination of structure of the organization. FORMULATION OF STRATEGY Formulation of strategy is highly important for the success of an organization. If an organization puts the right effort in the process of formulation of strategy, it would be able to design an effective strategy and thus the organization would reap long term benefits on the basis of that strategy. According to Lamb (1984), strategic management is a continuous process that controls and evaluates the business undertaken by the organization, evaluates the potential of its competitors of the organization, and it specifies goals and strategies for the organization in order to enable it to face the threats posed by the competitors, and then re -evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of the strategy on a periodic basis. Strategic management also assumes the responsibility of determining whether the strategy requires any modification due the change in the external environment of the entity. The initial stage of strategy formulation is the determination of a mission statement for the organization. ... zation conducts an internal and external analysis of the entity in order to assess the threats posed to the organization by its environment and the opportunities that the organization possesses. One of such analyses is known as SWOT analysis which considers the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization. SWOT analysis is used to assess the effectiveness of an already implemented strategy as well (Armstrong et al 2009). This analysis is highly important for the strategic core of an organization as it provides critical information regarding the environment in which the organization operates. By having such information, the management would be able to design such competitive strategy that would help the organization survive in the industry amidst the competition posed by its competitors. Internal analysis of an organization includes the evaluation of the resources possessed by the organization and the internal processes of an organization. The management evalua tes the resources possessed by the organization as compared to other organizations in the industry. If the organization possesses a resource that is available to that and that organization only, it can be given the status of the competitive advantage of the organization. Competitive advantage of an organization is a resource or a quality acquired by an organization that helps it survive in the industry notwithstanding the size and potential of its competitors. If the competitive advantage of an organization is identified, the strategic core of the organization can design the strategy in such a manner that it capitalizes over the potential of the organization’s competitive advantage. Competitive advantage of an organization may be the distinct quality of its products, a technology

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Audobon Zoo Essay Example for Free

The Audobon Zoo Essay THE AUDUBON ZOO, 1993 The Audubon Zoo is located in New Orleans, Louisiana and is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization. In 1914 the Audubon Commission was created to maintain and develop Audubon Park. In 1919 the Audubon Institute was established as the parent agency. Over the next several decades many changes would occur including the addition of a monkey cage, mammal cage and a deer paddock. Louisiana school children purchased the first elephant in 1924 and shortly thereafter an aquarium and sea lion pool was added. Through the Great Depression of the 1930s and 1940s the zoo was barely able to keep its doors openand in the 1950s it was labeled an animal â€Å"ghetto† by the media. In 1970 the U. S. Humane Society insisted the zoo be brought to industry standards. In the early 1970s the Commission worked closely with Mr. Ron Forman, City Hall Liaison for Audubon Park, to pass a special referendum that generated close to $2 million in bonds. These funds were the beginning of the Zoo’s restoration project that enabled it to expand from 19 acres to over 55 acres. Volunteers at the Zoo formally became known as Friends of the Zoo. By the 1980s the Zoohad received accreditation from the American Zoo and Aquarium Association and was noted as one of the nation’s top-rated zoological parks. And in 1989, Friends of the Zoo became known as Audubon Nature Institute where it remains today. Today, the zoo combines research laboratories with acres of pristine natural habitat where rare and endangered animals roam and reproduce (ANI, 2009). The Audubon Nature Institute’s mission to servesone purpose: Celebrating the Wonders of Nature. Its facilities carry on this mission through the Audubon Park, Audubon Zoo, Woldenberg Riverfront Park, Audubon Aquarium of the Americas, Freeport-McMoRan Audubon Species Survival Center, Entergy IMAX Theatre, Audubon Louisiana Nature Center, Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species, Audubon Wilderness Park, Audubon Insectarium and Audubon Nature Institute Foundation. Additional opportunities for the Zoo include technological advances in animal breeding and new interactive computer programs that allow visitors to become educated about the animals history, environment, special characteristics, feeding and origination. Educational programs for both children and adults are offered through visitor programs, school field trips, outreach programs, and educator’s resources. A very real threat to the Zoo is the unpredictability of Mother Nature. New Orleans is located on the Gulf of Mexico and hurricanes cause a threat to coastal areas during the summer and fall seasons. Tourists and residents will be deterred from visiting the Zoo during inclement weather and will have a negative impact on admissions revenue for an undetermined amount of time. A SWOT analysis is essential in evaluating the market potential of the Zoo. In areas of strength; new attractions will draw repeat customers and with the educational activities offered year round there is a limitless supply of â€Å"new† school children as they grow and develop their interest in the world around them. The rehabilitation center for injured animals is a favorite of the public and should be marketed accordingly. And, the Zoo’s Center for Research of Endangered Species has been recognized as â€Å"top notch† and as such also holds considerable value in marketing. The one major weakness of the Zoo is its absolute necessity to depend on donations from a generous public. Unfortunately, not all funds that are pledgedare actually received by the Zoo and this creates challenges in budgeting from quarter-to-quarter and year-to-year. In a poor economy when the public are forced to worry about basic survival needsdonations will sharply decline. While the Zoo enjoys a heavy supply of volunteers, which creates a positive image to the community, they cannot be held to the same standards as paid employees. Volunteers are more apt to come and go as they will and this leaves the Zoo at the mercy of over worked, understaffed employees. A financial analysis of the Zoo reveals that it has done very well and that at the end of 1982 it was virtually self-sufficient. Improved efficiency in the area of operations was the first step towards this turnaround. The Zoo is entering a maturity stage and should look for opportunities to reduce its employment costs, non-value added programs and departments, administrative supplies and expenses associated with daily overhead. Media exposure can be highly expensive and as a non-profit entity the Zoo should take advantage of as much free exposure as possible. Press releases about new acquisitions, programs, animals, and the rehabilitation center should be sent to the media on a continuing basis. News articles with information about the different animals and the lands they originate from could become a regular travel guide feature of the local print media. Holding special events for a targeted segment of the public could draw additional revenue; live music on the green or in the park, Sunday afternoon Jazz Concert, or birthday parties with the special child’s favorite animal as the thememay stimulate growth in revenue. Another idea would be to consider an â€Å"adopt-an-animal† program. Local schools, businesses or individuals could agree to â€Å"adopt† an animal and provide monetary support through fund-raising or in-kind donations. Offering a yearly pass for residents at a discounted rate may seem contradictory to the idea of increased revenue but, if the community felt that they could visit the Zoo at any time without paying an entrance fee they may be more apt to spend discretionary dollars on hats, tee-shirts, sweat-shirts or other accessories, concession stand items and impulse buying of souvenirs. Key factors in bringing a successful turnaround of the Zoo begins with the original bond of $2 million and the total of a $5. 6 million development program that was created by the Audubon Park Commission. These funds permitted expansion of the Zoo to its present 48 acres allowing the area to be divided into geographic sections that featured the differentiation of the animals. Next was the implementation of admission charges to generate revenue and help off-set the few donations the Zoo received. The creation of the group Friends of the Zoo, which managed guidelines for the many topics and programs available also offered the edZOOcators conductededucational programs. The implementation of fundraising through new and interesting events and finally, the continuous expansion of programs and updating of other programs helped to create the Zoo’s success.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing the Artwork of Dr. Seuss and Rube Goldberg Essay -- Compare

Comparing the Artwork of Dr. Seuss to the Artwork of Rube Goldberg Dr. Seuss has an interesting background that is often overlooked. Many fans do not know that the beloved children’s book author actually began his career drawing cartoons for magazines and advertisements (â€Å"The Advertising Artwork of Dr. Seuss†). In many of his advertisements and children’s books he has amazing elaborate machines that complete different tasks. This aspect of his artwork has many similarities to another famous cartoonist, Rube Goldberg. In this essay I will be comparing the artwork of Dr. Seuss to the artwork of Rube Goldberg. For those who are not familiar with Rube Goldberg here is a very brief background on the famous cartoonist. Rube Goldberg had many talents; he was a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, a sculptor and an author (â€Å"Rube Goldberg Biography†). Born in San Francisco in 1883 his father had big plans for Rube to become an engineer. Rube became an engineer only to work as one for a short time. He had other plans; plans to become an artist. Eventually Rube got a job in New York drawing cartoons for the Evening Mail. Rube became a founding member of the National Cartoonist Society. He was a successful political cartoonist and a Pulitzer Prize winner. Rube Goldberg is best known for his â€Å"Inventions† cartoons. Goldberg’s inventions show wacky, complex ways to complete somewhat meaningless tasks much like Seuss’s â€Å"inventions† in many of his books. A good comparison of the way that Goldberg may have influenced Dr. Seuss can be seen in Seuss’s famous book, The Cat in the Hat. On page fifty-six we see the Cat’s great machine that he uses to pick up his messes. The Cat shows a very complex way of picking up his â€Å"playthings†. The wonder... it is extremely easy to see Goldberg’s influence on Seuss. Seuss created a very complex machine for the simple task of applying make-up. Other examples of Seuss’s inventions exist in some of his children’s books. These books include: The Cat in the Hat, The Butter Battle Book, and The Sneeches. There are probably many more; it seems that with every turn of a page one can find some sort of wacky Seuss invention. To see the pictures of Rube Goldberg's work go to To see the pictures of Dr. Seuss's Advertising art work go to Works Cited: â€Å"Rube Goldberg Biography† The official Rube Goldberg Website. 8 April 2003. 20 April 2003. â€Å"The Advertising Artwork of Dr. Seuss†. 20 April 2003.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Executive Summaries Essay

The executive summary is usually no longer than 10% of the original document. It can be anywhere from 1-10 pages long, depending on the report’s length. Executive summaries are written literally for an executive who most likely DOES NOT have the time to read the original. †¢Executive summaries make a recommendation †¢Accuracy is essential because decisions will be made based on your summary by people who have not read the original †¢Executive summaries frequently summarize more than one document Types of Summaries Summaries written in order to recommend a specific course of action are executive summaries. Summaries that highlight the major points of a long piece are called abstracts. The purpose of an abstract is to allow readers to decide whether or not they want to read the longer text. View our Writing Guide about Abstracts Standard summary only refers to a summary of someone else’s published work and is written for a variety of purposes. View our Writing Guide about Standard Summaries Processes for Writing an Executive Summary Executive summaries are typically written for longer reports. They should not be written until after your report is finished. Before writing your summary, try: †¢Summarizing the major sections of your report. You might even copy text from your report into the summary and then edit it down. †¢Talking aloud or even tape recording yourself summarizing sections of your report. Questions to Ask Yourself as You Write †¢What is your report about? †¢Why is it important? †¢What is included in the report? †¢What is included in each section? Concise Statement As a cover sheet to your document, an executive summary need not go into ANY mention of how you conducted your analysis and/or what you’re basing your conclusion on. Instead, begin with a concise statement of the conclusion you reached after conducting your analysis and/or research is the paper that will be attached. For example, after a comparison of what other schools like CSU do about personal calls for faculty, you conclude that the CSU is charging for calls most other institutions do not. How you word the conclusion will differ depending on your audience and what they care most about. The following examples illustrate how the wording must change given an audience’s needs. Example One Colorado State should discontinue the practice of charging faculty for personal calls. This is a good example if the people you work for are only interested in this issue. It begins with a summary of conclusions regarding only the CSU population. Example Two Because I have found that over 75% of comparable institutions do not charge for personal calls, I have concluded that our faculty is justified in objecting to this practice which should be seen as a â€Å"perk† for our faculty. This sentence provides unnecessary information about other institutions and/or why the faculty think they deserve to have these calls paid for. Your readers can get that information from the report. Further, the use of â€Å"I† is unnecessary since your readers already know who wrote the report. Writing Recommendations After beginning with a summary statement of your findings, the executive summary should go on to provide a specific recommendation for action geared toward your audience. For example, the report on charging for personal calls was requested by the president’s office, not the individual departments and colleges who actually determine policy. As a result, the recommendation for action is geared toward what the president’s office should do, not the other departments involved. To learn more about writing recommendations: After summarizing the entire article and/or research report(s), an executive  summary ends with a one or two line recommendation for action. Simple Formula Executive summaries frequently make use of transitional phrases to encapsulate the preceding information in the same sentence as the recommendation. The format can almost be envisioned as a formula: [transitional word] + [concise statement of information provided in summary], I recommend that [corporation, office, person in question] do [recommendations]. More Complex Recommendations In other cases, the recommendation might be complicated enough to justify a summary of causes for the recommendation. In this case, the recommendation paragraph usually begins with a summary of how the writer reached the recommendation. Example Susie’s Cookies began as a small business in Cleveland, Ohio which has expanded to include 45 stores throughout the Midwest. Plans have already been instituted to expand sales nationwide, using the same â€Å"mall-concept† marketing strategy which has proven successful in the Midwest. Despite these plans, Susie’s Cookies may be in danger of bankruptcy. Susie’s quadrupled its sales in the last two quarters, realizing a profit of $750,000 in the current year, an increase of $250,000 over the previous year, due to its increase in advertising. To realize equivalent sale figures nationwide, however, it is projected that advertising costs will increase by 200% for the first two years of the national expansions. Further, construction costs for the new stores are estimated to be 20 million dollars. The result of increased advertising and construction costs will put a substantial debt burden on Susie’s cookies, an estimated $750,00 to 1 million a year. Given that sales did not reach current levels in the Midwest until the 45 stores had been operating for five years, projected sales nationally will not cover expansion costs. As a result, Susie’s Cookies is likely to show a loss of almost $2 million for at least the next five years. Due to the high advertisement and development costs of national expansion. Susie’s Cookies may not be able to continue doing business in the future. Therefore, I recommend that Mrs. Field’s does not participate in the hostile takeover  under consideration because the threat of competition will not be realized. Justification Finally, an executive summary provides an analysis and/or justification for the proposed action in terms the audience will consider important. In many cases, this might involve a monetary analysis as in the example to the right, but actions can be justified many ways, depending on the concerns of the audience and the topic of the report (e.g. for CSU these might include increase in student learning, better relationship with the community, etc.). justification for the recommendation by referring to information summarized. A recommendationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s justification is usually based on a reference to material already provided in the summary. In other cases, the justification for the recommendation might be complicated enough to justify a summary of causes for the justification. In this case, the recommendation paragraph usually begins with a summary of how the writer reached the conclusion that leads to the justification. Example Justification Based on the current number and length of long-distance personal calls by faculty, such a proposal would cost the university $150,000 annually. In comparison to the overall budget, this is a small amount, but one which might â€Å"pay for itself† in terms of faculty satisfaction and possible recruitment benefits. Example Susie’s Cookies began as a small business in Cleveland, Ohio which has expanded to include 45 stores throughout the Midwest. Plans have already been instituted to expand sales nationwide, using the same â€Å"mall-concept† marketing strategy which has proven successful in the Midwest. Despite these plans, Susie’s Cookies may be in danger of bankruptcy. Susie’s quadrupled its sales in the last two quarters, realizing a profit of $750,000 in the current year, an increase of $250,000 over the previous year, due to its increase in advertising. To realize equivalent sale figures nationwide, however, it is projected that advertising costs will increase by 200% for the first two years of the national expansions. Further, construction costs for the new stores are estimated to be 20 million dollars. The result of increased advertising and construction costs will put a substantial debt  burden on Susie’s cookies, an estimated $750,00 to 1 million a year. Given that sales did not reach current levels in the Midwest until the 45 stores had been operating for five years, projected sales nationally will not cover expansion costs. As a result, Susie’s Cookies is likely to show a loss of almost $2 million for at least the next five years. Due to the high advertisement and development costs of national expansion. Susie’s Cookies may not be able to continue doing business in the future. Therefore, I recommend that Mrs. Field’s does not participate in the hostile takeover under consideration because the threat of competition will not be realized. Example Executive Summary The Mountain Resort charges below average rental rates. (concise statement of findings) The attached report recommends a 20% increase in price for the following equipment: 1. downhill skis, 2. telemark skis, 3. boots/shoes for downhill, telemark, and cross-country skis. (specific recommendation for action) Based on average rental business for 1992-1995, these increases would generate an annual rental profit for Mountainview of $750,000. This figure represents an overall gain of $150,000 over current rental profits.(justification for proposed action) Additional Resources Other Writing Guides are available to help you write executive summaries. Choose any of the following for more information: †¢Purpose †¢Audience †¢Organization

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Causes of the Dust Bowl Essay

One of the most devastating environmental crises that occurred in the United States was the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl began shortly after the Great Depression began in 1929 and lasted throughout the 1930’s. It affected everyone, farmers and consumers alike, in its path negatively. The Dust Bowl of the 1930’s was caused by four major factors: drought, climate misconception, poor land management, and most importantly, wind erosion. The first of the four major factors is drought. During the Dust Bowl and the 1930’s there were four major periods of drought. The first lasted from 1930 to 1931, the second occurred in 1934, the third in 1936, and the last period of drought lasted from 1939 to 1940. The Great Plains had experienced periods of drought before and no major problems had occurred, so the main problem was that the farmers did not have enough time in between the periods of drought to recover because they were so close together. Another issue was that the droughts occurred at the same time as the economic downfall known as the Great Depression. This meant the farmers did not have the money to spend to help their crops. Also, many farmers simply believed that the droughts would end and that the rains would come soon as they had many other times in the 1900’s (Drought). Climate misconception played a large role in the creation of the Dust Bowl as well. The misconceptions about the climate and the annual rainfall in the Great Plains first began in the nineteenth century when people first began to settle in the area. Many of these settlers believed that they would always get enough rain to grow healthy crops because they settled on the land during years with abnormally high amounts of rain. Another reason people believed that the land would always be good to farm is because they were fed propaganda by railroad companies and land boosters. Even though there were several periods of drought that occurred before the 1930’s and the Dust Bowl, people were encouraged by the rains that always came soon after. The farmers’ misconceptions of the climate and annual rainfall also affected the way they farmed the land (Causes). Poor land management is one of the two most important causes of the Dust Bowl. The farmers were not able to manage their land well because they were not aware of the different techniques they should have used on their farms in the Plains. One of the techniques that the farmers should have used was crop rotation. Crop rotation would have been a great help in keeping their soil in larger clumps, whereas when the farmers repeatedly planted wheat in the soil, the nutrients were used up and were not replenished. This caused the soil to break up into a dust-like consistency that made the soil easier to be swept away by the winds. Farmers also should have had a year round ground cover on the soil to prevent the wind from sweeping it away, but the farmers were not aware of the heightened risk of wind erosion because they had not had to deal with it in the past. The last technique that the farmers should have used to help manage their land is known as shelter belting. Shelter belting is the process of planting trees and bushes in order to slow and block the winds that blew across the otherwise flat ground of the Great Plains. Another issue with the way the farmers managed their land was that they switched from the lister (a type of plow commonly used by farmers in the 1900’s) to the one way disk plow. The one way disk plow was favored by the farmers because it made plowing the field easier and much faster, but the downside to the new invention was that it left the soil even more susceptible to wind erosion (The Dust Bowl). The last factor that contributed to the Dust Bowl is wind erosion. Wind erosion is considered to be the most important and the most preventable cause of the environmental crises. It has since been proven that the size of the farm is directly related to the amount of wind erosion that will occur on the land. Experts say that the smaller the farm is the more wind erosion there will be on the land because larger farms are necessary to finance and benefit from erosion control. Small farmers on the other hand need to cultivate more of their land more intensely and they usually do not earn enough money to be able to spend anything on soil conservation. Many historians and researchers blame the overabundance of small farmers who did not participate in erosion control for the extent of the wind erosion during the 1930’s and they blame the Homestead Act of 1862 for bringing these farmers to the Plains. The Homestead Act gave away hundreds of thousands of  land plots that ranged from about 160 acres to about 320 acres even though agricultural experts recommended that the farms should be about 700 acres to 1200 acres to minimize wind erosion. The farmers that moved onto the land that was given away were the kind of farmers that did not implement the soil conservation tactics that were necessary to prevent the Dust Bowl in the Great Plains (Wind Erosion). In conclusion, drought, climate misconceptions, poor land management, and wind erosion were the four main causes of the agricultural tragedy of the 1930’s. These four factors came together at the beginning of the 1930’s to create what is now known as the Dust Bowl which lasted until the end of the decade. Thankfully, an environmental crisis like this has never taken place again in the United States and thanks to the organizations founded after the Dust Bowl, such as the Soil Conservation Service, our generation and the generations that follow will not have to live through the hardships that another Dust Bowl would cause.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Interesting structure The crucible Essays

Interesting structure The crucible Essays Interesting structure The crucible Paper Interesting structure The crucible Paper Essay Topic: Interesting The crucible has a very interesting structure, as in it doesnt follow many of the usual rules of play writing and uses it to maximum effect. The play consists of four acts and no scenes to separate them. This is unusual for a play write to do because it limits the acts location two one place, meaning that the story can not develop in a different place or time which can limit what someone can do with the plot The whole of the play is a subtext for what was going on at the time in 1940s America. To more precise what was happening with the red scare and general Joseph McCarthy. General McCarthy was behind the fight against communism within America. In the end he decided to start broadcasting to America a list of communists living in America at the time. Of course no such list existed and it was obviously just the names of random people living America that had nothing to do with communism in any way what so ever. This however caused mass hysteria and turned an entire nation against itself and pitted friends and neighbours against each other as everyone hunted for the communists like a mad witch hunt. Arthur Miller was using the subtext to show how obsurd the idea of mass hysteria based on a lie really was. The main thing that distinguishes the plays structure from others is the way in which it ends on an anti climax. As we can see in the graph the first three acts build up to a gigantic climax. But then suddenly the audience is left with a very short and depressing act four in which nothing much happens in terms of climax. On might interpret this as the play wrights way of getting across his message about McCarthyism. If people were left with a happy ending the audience may not have been so shocked by the play that it would make them think because everything turned out ok in the end and wouldnt have communicated the shocking truth about McCarthyism at the time. I believe that having the play leave on an anticlimax and pretty much on a down communicates the views a lot clearer During The Crucible pace is used as a technique to creating tension. Throughout Act 1, the action is immediate and there is a constant flow of different people being introduced. By placing this within a small room, Miller gives the feeling of the characters being suffocated and a lack of privacy in the village. By using this with Act 2 (for the first half there is only Elizabeth and John), Miller is able to create tension through the amount of space in the set, in comparison to the previous act, and through a slower dialogue. During The Crucible pace is used as a technique to creating tension. Throughout Act 1, the action is immediate and there is a constant flow of different people being introduced. By placing this within a small room, Miller gives the feeling of the characters being suffocated and a lack of privacy in the village. By using this with Act 2 (for the first half there is only Elizabeth and John), Miller is able to create tension through the amount of space in the set, in comparison to the previous act, and through a slower dialogue. Miller structures the play using prevalent techniques. There is a clear exposition at the beginning of Act 1, although it occurred off scene, the girls dance in the forest. The different themes are developed and the use of the rising of action through the accusations helps the plot to grow up to a gigantic climax when John Proctor is accused at the end of Act 3. The falling action and denouement is the actual execution where John Proctor upholds his innocence and goes to the gallows at the end of Act 4. Miller uses these techniques to help create conflict to arouse the interest of the audience and an easy structure for the audience to follow. Arthur Miller uses inserted passages within the text in which he comments on the background of the story or the characters which helps the audience to get a deeper insight into the characters so they can be related to. For example, The backgrounds to Thomas Putnam makes his actions seem more horrendous which ultimately the final result of the play seem more brutal.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Crime Scene Processing Protocol essays

Crime Scene Processing Protocol essays In the order of completing a work task certain criteria to complete the work task is needed. Crime scene processing is no different than other work related tasks such as exchanging a motor in a car, painting a portrait or preparing a meal. There are certain tasks related to each work objective. In the field of crime scene processing, several books and television programmes have been written and aired on what these tasks are and how they should be incorporated into the field of crime scene processing. Yet each book or television programmes focus only in the technique used, not in the change of the basic protocol used for the processing of crime scenes. However there is a basic scene protocol that should be adhered to in all crime scenes. The first step in processing a crime scene is interview. The crime scene technician must interview the first officer at the scene or victim to determine the theory of the case. Basically supposedly happened, what crime took place, and how was the crime committed. This information may not factual information but it will give the crime scene technician a base from which to start. The second step is to examine the crime scene. Examine the crime scene to determine if the theory of the case is supported by what the crime scene technician observes. Examining the scene to identify possible items of evidentiary nature, identify the point of entry and point of exit, and getting the general layout of the crime scene. Photograph the crime scene as the third step in the protocol. Photographing the crime scene to record a pictorial view of what the scene looks like and to record items of possible evidence. Crime scene photographs are generally taken in two categories, overall views and items of evidence. Sketch the crime scene is the fourth step in the protocol. A rough sketch is completed by the crime scene technician to demonstrate the layout of the crime scene or ...