Friday, May 31, 2019

The Drug Issue in Australia :: essays research papers

The drugs issue is a major trouble in Australia. A simple solution cannot be found to solve this majuscule job because there are so many decisions, thoughts and sacrifices that need to be made. All sides of the issue must be considered when making such a blown-up decision. To find a solution, several tests, meetings, interviews and research need to be made, to name a few. Extreme care is needed when ch totallyenging such major issues, all aspects of the problem need to be considered.Zajdow describes drug abuse as being a social, legal, health, economic and ethical issue (1999, p.44). This great problem therefore involves not only one department, but also many other departments. These include the police, who offer their power and resources, Justice, who has the resources for jail, Health, which offers treatment programs, and Education which provides drug education to the community. Without these departments, the issue would be too complicated for the Government to solve on their own. However, as indicated by Knowles, these departments were bidding for more funds to strengthen the resources they provide (2000, p.1).The drugs issue as a social concernThere are an estimated 25,000 heroin users in Victoria (Hodder, p.10). This is a very large amount of raft on drugs, in the weather 10 years it has been shown to increase and therefore the drug issue is becoming a major problem to all the people in Victoria. Some people argue that the drug users arent the heroin victims. One writer notes, The parents of the user who steals from them, abuses them, physically, emotionally and mentally, the siblings who suffer the loss of care and love but who also modernize abused and used by the user, the kids of the user who learn that the parents desire for smack is greater than the desire to be a parent, are the real heroin victims (Fitzgerald, 2000). This problem therefore effects not only the user but the society living around them as well.The drugs issue as a legal proble mThe Government needs to draw the line somewhere. In Sweden the Government was giving out free heroin, in order to keep the drugs free from being impure. However, Margaret McKay (2001) declares that if we keep an eye on in same steps, soon we will be giving out not only free heroin, but also other illegal substances as well. It will then lead to problems with other drugs as well.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Essay --

The Importance of the Mayflower CompactThe Mayflower Compact was create verbally as a temporary form of government due to the unfair treatment that was endured by some of the Mayflower occupants. They also mat that the order should scram from someone of much higher authority i.e. the king. The colonists were also unruly due to the lack of government therefore some of the colonist thought they could do what they preferred. and by signing of the Mayflower Compact, did put the end to all the unrest while aboard the Mayflower.After John Smith downed at Plymouth, they felt they had landed at a vest that was not controlled by London (the king). The mayflower carried a hundred and two passengers. They had travelled about 3,000 miles only to land north of their destination. They had hoped to begin a colony out of the mouth of the Hudson River the site of todays pertly York City. This would have placed the colony within the geographic boundaries the king outlined in the Virginia Compan y of Plymouths charter. Some group of businessmen invested money to start the colony. In return they hoped to profit from the products of the New World. The callers charter outlined how the settlement would be governed. But the Mayflowers passengers had drifted outside the charters boundaries. Now they were off the ship of pall Cod on November 9 1620, with no laws to govern them. The passengers list showed that the colonists needed to create a government. Out of the hundred and two passengers fourth-one were pilgrims seeking a place they could practice their religion. They had separated from the Church of England over religious differences. The pilgrims had lived for a time in Holland, now they hoped to make a new start. Basically these pilgrims need... ...Bradfords nephew in New Englands Memorial (1669). The three versions had a difference in the wording, spelling, capitalizing and punctuation.The compact created the idea of a social contact. A social contract is an actual or hypothetical compact between the ruled and their rules that defines the rights and duties of each. Although specific duties were not assigned to each colonist, a concept of higher order was established by the election of the first off governor of the New Plymouth. It was not until the American Revolution that the Mayflower Compact received much attention. At this time the new nation began looking game to the roots of this self-government. Today the compact is often viewed as the first example of the American democracy as a social contract. But it is also still that idea come from the practical need for unity to service in the wildness.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Essay --

Harriet Beecher Stowe was born Harriet Beecher in Litchfield, Connecticut on June 14, 1911 to Lyman Beecher and Roxanna Foote. She was one of eleven children, to be precise the sixth child, though not every of her siblings were of the same mother. In 1915, at the be on of four, Harriet lost her mother due to an illness, the trauma of the loss stayed with her and even influenced her later writings. After the loss she was taken by her Aunt Harriet Foote to her Grandmothers home in Nut Plains. She stayed there for a few months during the winter of that year where she already started to display a literary mind with ontogeny the ability to read and memorize whole passages from the Bible. Her father, a reverend and conservative abolitionist, soon remarried to Harriet Porter when Harriet was six years old. She described her stepmother as a fair, subdued looking creature that was also as she described of a type noble but severe, naturally hard, correct, exact and exacting, with intense natural and moral ideality (Stowe, p. 13). Her stepmother although kind, was a little flustered by inheriting eight new children and maintained some distance from them, focusing more on her own children, Harriets half-siblings.Once Harriet was of age to attend school she started going to Litchfield Academy and soon was one of the top students. Always trying to impress her father she would later tell others that the proudest moment in her life occurred when she was twelve and her father visited the school, it was there that he heard an essay which he found exemplary. He inquired about which student had written it and when told that it was his own daughters he praised her highly. (Stowe, p. 14) Soon after Harriets eldest sister Charlotte, her senior ... ... to the opposition and view of the book for being overly dramatic and exaggerated. (Weinstein, p. 17) Her name remained tarnished even into the Civil Rights vogue in the 1960s when it was proclaimed by one writer, James Baldwin, that the story had helped ingrain racism into the white American culture. Not until the 1970s did the name Harriet Beecher Stowe regain positive recognition with the rise of the feminist movement. These second wave feminists worked to get the book into schools and to give recognition to positive female role models throughout American history. Her writings on slavery and their impact on the United States during its tumultuous time of deciding on its moral stance on slavery was peachy and has been immortalized in our history as Harriet Beecher Stowes legacy has survived even into the 21st century, being taught in schools across the country.

Plot Analysis Of Conspiracy Th :: essays research papers

The Conspiracy Theory is a movie that can wake you up to a very likely and harsh reality. Main credit Jerry, author and sole producer of a monthly tabloid ab proscribed theories on conspiracies soon begins to think of a hidden and forgotten past. The most enchant part of Conspiracy Theory is how the geeks past and present interact to contribute to the plot, and their futures.The sad pasts of the 3 main characters help define the plot. Jerry was erst a test subject for governmental experiments. Jodas, head of these experiments, tried to learn how to turn an everyday soulfulness into a brutal cleanuper. Jerry soon became Jodas personal fauna of destruction, and Jerry was told to kill a enounce who was sure to put Jodas in jail. Jerry was given a chance to kill him, but his human conscience proved to passive live on, the judge soon took Jerry under his wing. That judge was later killed by another unmatchable of Jodas men. With the judges final words, he begged Jerry to prot ect his iodine and only daughter, Alice. Our three main characters are now destine for a major confrontation long clip later.The main plot is laid out by the events of the present. Several years later, Jerry drives his cab as hes done every day since the shooting, until he zones out and has a flashback of his past. One soon finds out that Jerry is very paranoid about the government and he questions everything about it. Jodas catches up to Jerry and tries to imprison him. Alice and past finds that Jodas is one of Jerrys newsletter subscribers and has a meeting with him. Jodas then convinces Alice that Jerry killed her father now Jerry is about to be set up.The plot is concluded with a promise to the characters futures. Jerry then asks Alice to meet him, and they return to the conduct where her father died. Jerry then confesses to Alice that he did not kill her father. After much deliberation, Alice believes Jerry and just on time for Jodas return. Jodas captures Jerry and Alice barely gets away with the mere stroke of luck. Jerry is then imprisoned and injected with fluid that will convince his mind that he did everything.Plot Analysis Of Conspiracy Th essays research papers The Conspiracy Theory is a movie that can wake you up to a very likely and harsh reality. Main character Jerry, author and sole producer of a monthly tabloid about theories on conspiracies soon begins to remember a hidden and forgotten past. The most captivating part of Conspiracy Theory is how the characters past and present interact to contribute to the plot, and their futures.The tragic pasts of the 3 main characters help define the plot. Jerry was once a test subject for governmental experiments. Jodas, head of these experiments, tried to learn how to turn an everyday person into a brutal killer. Jerry soon became Jodas personal tool of destruction, and Jerry was told to kill a judge who was sure to put Jodas in jail. Jerry was given a chance to kill him, but his human conscienc e proved to still live on, the judge soon took Jerry under his wing. That judge was later killed by another one of Jodas men. With the judges final words, he begged Jerry to protect his one and only daughter, Alice. Our three main characters are now destine for a major confrontation years later.The main plot is laid out by the events of the present. Several years later, Jerry drives his cab as hes done every day since the shooting, until he zones out and has a flashback of his past. One soon finds out that Jerry is very paranoid about the government and he questions everything about it. Jodas catches up to Jerry and tries to imprison him. Alice then finds that Jodas is one of Jerrys newsletter subscribers and has a meeting with him. Jodas then convinces Alice that Jerry killed her father now Jerry is about to be set up.The plot is concluded with a promise to the characters futures. Jerry then asks Alice to meet him, and they return to the place where her father died. Jerry then conf esses to Alice that he did not kill her father. After much deliberation, Alice believes Jerry and just on time for Jodas return. Jodas captures Jerry and Alice barely gets away with the mere stroke of luck. Jerry is then imprisoned and injected with fluid that will convince his mind that he did everything.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Movie Industry vs Technology Essay -- Movies Internet Papers

The Movie Industry vs Technology The Internet and the roles it plays in order of magnitude Since its conception, the Internet has been a huge market for life uses. It provides some of the greatest resources to educate quite a little around the world such as search engines, databases, and an well-nigh endless expanse for innovation. Being a conglomeration of countless numbers of computers allow users to interconnect with each other, making computers a prominent part of peoples lives. Aside from the home uses, businesses have capitalized on it as well. The Internet is essentially a medium through which mass distribution of information and goods layabout be disseminated. However, the Net is no longer simply a publishing or an entertainment or a personal communications medium, but rather a fundamental and indispensable engine driving all social and economic life ( Kline). E-commerce is a big part of the average consumer. Shopping online at sites such as and Eba have provided users with the convenience of shopping without picking up the car keys. With a few simple clicks, a few typing of numbers, the desire product could be at your door within a few days. Other uses are GPS systems, or even a 911-based emergency utility that combines GPS and locates you in time of trouble. This is all provided for by the internet. In light of all these fantastic services that are provided by the Internet, it is without its flaws. Child pornography and piracy are just some of the illegal activity that are present in society today. Filters have been set up in schools and in homes to prevent viewing or downloading of such illicit materials, however that is not enough. With the conception of Napster, the music industry engulfed it, chewed it up... ...anuary 12 - January 18, 2000. Http// Johnson, Bobbie. CyberVillains. The Guardian. Monday May 20, 2002.Http//,3858,4416832,00.html9. Kline, David. The Embedded Internet. Wired Magazine. October 1996 Issue 4.10. Http//www.pumped(p).com/wired/archive/4.10/es_embedded_pr.html10. Nugent, Benjamin and Bennet, Brian. Beyond Hollywoods Reach. Time. Feb 25, 2002. V159 i8 p56. 11. Olsen, Stefanie. Hollywood faces recurring Net nightmare. CNET New.Com. June 5, 2002. Http// intelligence Sullivan, Bob. Hollywood Gets Tough on Copying. MSNBC July 12, 2003. http// Weisman, Robyn. Steal This Internet Movie. NewsFactor Network. Febryary 28, 2002. Http//

The Movie Industry vs Technology Essay -- Movies Internet Papers

The Movie Industry vs Technology The Internet and the roles it plays in society Since its foundation, the Internet has been a huge market for life hi grade uses. It provides some of the greatest resources to educate people around the world such as search engines, databases, and an almost endless expanse for innovation. Being a total of countless numbers of computers allow users to interconnect with each other, making computers a prominent part of peoples lives. Aside from the home uses, businesses have capitalized on it as well. The Internet is essentially a medium through which mass distribution of information and goods can be disseminated. However, the Net is no longer safe a publishing or an entertainment or a personal communications medium, but rather a fundamental and indispensable engine thrust all social and economic life ( Kline). E-commerce is a big part of the average consumer. Shopping online at sites such as and have provided users with the convenience of obtain without picking up the car keys. With a few simple clicks, a few typing of numbers, the desired product could be at your door inwardly a few days. Other uses are GPS systems, or even a 911-based emergency utility that combines GPS and locates you in time of trouble. This is all provided for by the internet. In easygoing of all these fantastic services that are provided by the Internet, it is without its flaws. Child pornography and piracy are just some of the illegal activity that are afford in society today. Filters have been set up in schools and in homes to prevent viewing or downloading of such illicit materials, however that is not enough. With the conception of Napster, the music industry engulfed it, chewed it up... ...anuary 12 - January 18, 2000. Http// Johnson, Bobbie. CyberVillains. The Guardian. Monday May 20, 2002.Http//,3858,4416832,00.html9. Kline, David. The Embed ded Internet. Wired Magazine. October 1996 Issue 4.10. Http// Nugent, Benjamin and Bennet, Brian. Beyond Hollywoods Reach. Time. Feb 25, 2002. V159 i8 p56. 11. Olsen, Stefanie. Hollywood faces recurring Net nightmare. CNET New.Com. June 5, 2002. Http// Sullivan, Bob. Hollywood Gets Tough on Copying. MSNBC July 12, 2003. http// Weisman, Robyn. Steal This Internet Movie. NewsFactor Network. Febryary 28, 2002. Http//

Monday, May 27, 2019

Operating Plan Essay

We pass on First Operate in major metro cities, starting with Bangalore, and then Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Goa, Pune, Kolkata, Gujarat and so ontera After Targeting to these cities, we depart try to target the rural India which is almost 70 % of India. How impart we promote?We will promote through ADVERTISEMENT in ONLINE FORUM, well-disposed NETWORKING SITES, Locally famous Theatres, Souvenirs given to customers, App Stores, android market apps, PRINT MEDIA which is almost read by every other person commonly, like Hindu, Times of India, etc in Bangalore and also some(prenominal) local brands etc. What will be our sales promotion activity?People would be able to book a unscathed van for family get together, a birthday party with their movies, buffet lunch or dinner etc all made available in the bus, with some introductory booking of minimum 7 days. Also if a school or college wants to show a educational review, or a documentary to their students, the team whitethorn take care, go to school and show help them with all things they needed with prior booking. We will be also issuing a pass which will be a three time annual pass in which you can see movie thrice a month with that pass save every time you come. This will be mainly for our day today customers. The annual pass will also contain coupons for free popcorn, or some discount on meal and also some other value added services.How Will We Sell?Our main aim is to earn profit with creating a hearty customer relationship. We will sell our Tickets through our own website, After some time in long term we will make our own apps in Iphone, android market, Ipad etc. The Timings will be pre decided, and a weeks timetable will also be decided, which will show not only new movies, but sometimes a educational film, and local language films of the city we operate in. Where will we park?We will park our cinevan in a short distance from our customers place. A max of 1 km far in any locality we decided . We will park somewhere where there is ample of space for vehicles to come and go. This will help in regulating the traffic. We will also take prior permissions for all our places, etcHow will we get our caravan?We will import in the parentage and then we will try and improvise our team and add some designers who can design our caravan which will be more spacious etc. our current caravan will accommodate around 70 people at a time.How will Caravan be like?Caravan will be a bus which will have a same experience as if you are sitting In a multiplex. The Acoustics department will be taken care of and a finest of all will be used there.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Capital Budgeting Case Essay

With an sign investment of $250,000, we could purchase one of two jackpots. By analyzing each corporation we can make an educated decision on which corporation holds the highest return. A five year communicate income statement, five year communicate cash in flow, and the NVP and IRR of two corporations have been created to aid in analysis. After reviewing the information, Corporation A is intercommunicate to have a higher return value than Corporation B. Corporation A, would cost us $250,000. In the first year the revenue would be $100,000 and increase 10 % each year. First year expenses would be $20,000 increase 15 % per year. Depreciation expense each year would be $5,000. The revenue say is 25 % with a discount rate of 10 %. Corporation B, would also cost us $250,000. The revenue in the first year would be $150,000 increasing 8 % each year. Expenses would be $60,000 year one increasing 10 % each year. The depreciation expense each year would remain at $10,000. The tax rat e is 25 % with a discount rate of 11 %. The information from each corporation was applied to create a five year projected income statement.It would take Corporation B 4 years to produce the net income Corporation A would produce in its first year. Based on the projected income statement alone, Corporation A would give higher return than Corporation B. See attached excel spreadsheet to view the projected income statements for both corporations. A projected cash flow spreadsheet is also attached. The cash flow statements allows us to see how much cash is available one hand. Comparing the cash flow of both corporations help measure the health of cash flow. An important thing to remember is that cash flow does not indicate the overall financial health of the corporations. This does not account for the liabilities and assets, accounts receivable and payable. With this being sad, it is important to look at the numbers on the cash flow spreadsheet. Corporation B has a higher cash flow than Corporation A, but not by a lot. The net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR) were both predicted for both corporations. The NPV helps go through the profitability of the investment.It is done by estimating initial costs, future cash inflows and outflows. NPV is the reflected amount of wealth expected to be added as a result of the investment or project. The NPV for Corporation A is $2,520.25 and for Corporation B is $2,532.25. Based on those numbers alone Corporation B addsmore profits based on the initial investment. IRR is how to make the NPV = 0. It is typically better to use the NPV to make capital decisions than the IRR. While the some facts favor Corporation B we cannot forget about the projected income statements. The variances between the cash flow and NPV between Corporation A and B are small, yet the difference between the projected net incomes is greater. With all the information pile up Corporation A still has the ability to create a higher retur n.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Organizational Controls

The Lincoln caller-out follows a decentralized approach to management. The decentralized approach is when employees inscribe in setting goals, determining standards of performance, governing forest, and designing control systems. The decision making is not confined to top executives but throughout the organization. The lowest aim managers and employees be empowered to make decisions. The employees ware added responsibility and they atomic number 18 involved in decision making which results in increased job satisfaction.The responsibility and the role that goes with it make the job more interesting and provide greater incentive for people to put out their best efforts. The employees of Lincoln Electric Company tasks are precisely defined, and individual employees must exceed strict performance goals to achieve top pay. The Lincoln employees organization culture is based on trust, share control, and an egalitarian spirit. The Lincoln Company has an open door policy. The union has cross functional teams and they are empowered to make decisions, take responsibility for product planning, developing, and marketing.The lodge openly shares information with the workers throughout the organization about the companys operations and finances. The Lincoln system was so successful in the United States in general because of a diverse control approach. Within this company the organizational culture is based on openness, trust, and shared control. As opposed to the hierarchical approach which involves observe and influencing employee behavior through extensive use of rules, policies, and written documentation, and the employees communicate with their immediate superior and with their immediate subordinates.The Lincoln Company use of this system gained trust with the workers. The employees nooky purchase stock, and they owned more than 60% of the stock. The incentive and control system was powerful with incentives that the company offered to employees. This include d a no lay off policy, the employees are eligible for annual bonuses, the production workers are paid on a piece rate basis, plus merit pay based on performance. The company had an open door policy and the workers crumb openly disagree with the manager about pay and other issues.The problem with transporting Lincolns control systems to other national cultures because managers in some other countries have more trouble running an open book company because of prevailing attitudes and standards encourage confidentiality and even closeness concerning financial results. The executives when deciding to expand to different countries may have just concentrated on technology, products, marketing, and control systems, but failed to recognize that the culture of countries may have widely different beliefs, values, and practices.These differences can create stress and anxiety for employees, and these negative emotions affect future performance. Cultural differences should be evaluated during the acquisition process, and Organization Development can be used to smooth the integration of this company to another country. Another helpful tool to make future international manufacturing plants more successful that is world used more often is total quality management. It is a way to implement the decentralized approach to another county. Total quality management uses quality circles and benchmarking as ways to introduce this approach to employees.The organization development will help the company with a culture change which is a major careen in the norms, values, attitudes, and mind set of an organization. It focuses on the human and social aspects of the organization and works to change attitudes and relationships among employees and helps strengthen the organizations capacity for adaption and renewal. Lincoln Company should not borrow money and pay bonuses to the United States Workers. I think employees would rather have a job, than the company going bankrupt.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Braking History Essay

In a little over a hundred years since the travel took hold of peoples imagination, technologies designed to make them accelerate faster and reach higher speeds have evolved with a fury. The brakes that were used to decelerate vehicles ripe over a hundred years ago (when cars were first invented) has evolved from plain wooden give ups to discs that are monitored by Anti-lock Brake Systems and Electronic Braking Distribution bodys. The earliest braking system that used by vehicles consisted of nothing more than a block of wood and a lever system.The wood brake system worked fine in jointure with early vehicles that were equipped with steel rimmed wheels. However, when the Michelin brothers started to replace steel rimmed wheels with rubber tires on most vehicles towards late 1890s, the wood block braking system serious does not create enough friction with rubber. Since the need for a new method of braking was necessary in order to replace the old wood block braking system, inven tors scrambled for new ideas. The French manufacturer Louis Renault took crude concepts of inventors before him and developed method The go based braking system.Basically, the system involved a single tractile stainless-steel band, wrapped around a drum on the rear axle. When the driver engaged the brake, the band would apply pressure to the drum and car to come to a stop. However, the drum braking system did have a number of problems. Since the drum brakes were external, the exposer caused a very rapid wear-out of the system and had to be replaced often. The band itself would sometimes bump on hills and proved to be very unsafe for the driver and passengers. Even though people came up with ideas to internally place the brakes, the era of mechanically-activated brakes was advance to an end.In 1918, A four-wheel hydraulic-brake system was invented by Malcolm Loughead. This system used fluids to transfer the force on the pressed pedal to the pistons and then to the brake shoes. In other words, it was the enhanced drum based system added with power support. The system quickly became popular due to the fact that it is much easier to operate and more utile than mechanical systems. Thus, it was adapted quickly by most of the automotive world. As the vehicles evolved to be heavier and faster, heat distribution started to become a major problem for the drum hydraulic-brake system due to emergenced friction.Disc brake system that was made from iron was invented to solve the problem. In order to stop the car, the brake pads are squeezed by a calliper which is pressured by the hydraulic, and then the discs are squeezed by the braking pads. Lining was placed on the braking pads to reduce the noise when the metal came in contact. This was as furthest as the braking system went in terms of mechanics. However, additional features such as the ABS (Anti-Lock Brakes), EBS (Electronic Braking system), and EBD (Electronic Braking Distribution) were implemented to further e nhance the performance and safety of brakes.Since the industry was perpetually seeking for replacements and innovations, achieving the borderline Winning spicy (MWG) is extremely important in not only the auto industry, but all high-technology ventures in general. By definition, the Minimum Winning Game is Defining the first major market opportunity that is limited enough to provide a clear target for technology and yield development efforts in the short-to-medium term, and sufficiently large that successfully pursuing it provides a foundation for long-term corporate development.Defining the Minimum Winning Game of any new breaking system is a difficult yet critical responsibility of management to keep the new innovation focused and able to postulate from its ongoing efforts in the face of rapidly evolving technological and market uncertainties. Balancing a combination of the three drivers is essential in achieving the Minimum Winning Game. The drivers are technology developme nt, product development, and strategy development.Effectively pursuing these drivers will contribute positively, but allowing one to become the sole driver is likely to climb up the venture from the path toward its Minimum Winning Game. Since braking technology is in such high-tech environments the pace of change is extreme. Instilling strategic discipline early on can prevent the new innovation of brakes to fall into the Field of Dreams trap building the technology and it will become useful, while simultaneously increase the chances of its success.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hepatitis causes and effects

AbstractionHepatitis, one of the study incurable diseases, still exists presents jeopardizing m whatsoever an(prenominal) people s lives. It has many types i.e. Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G. The nature of Hepatitis is viral which is caught by any through with(predicate) organic structure fluids or improper person-to-person hygiene in add-on to other causes which remains unknown. This disease leads into serious physiological effect such as weariness, icterus and serious liver complication like liver Cirrhosis. Psychosocial consequence which is another result of Hepatitis includes societal withdrawal, anxiousness, first and self-destructive inclination. scorn of the extended researches to happen a remedy for Hepatitis, there is still no effectual interpolation for it so the duty of avoiding this infection is both on regime and persons.Hepatitis is one of the most fatal diseases which was discovered in the early 1880ss it can be defined as an redness of the liver organ. He patitis is derived from the Latin words Hepat which federal agency the liver and itis redness. The usual cause of Hepatitis is a virus that invades the organic structure through blood watercourse.This virus could acquire into the organic structure either through organic structure fluids or improper personal hygiene, taking to serious physiological and psychosocial effects. on that point are several types of Hepatitis, such as A, B, C, D, E and G. A, B and C viruses are the most common types of Hepatitis and all these viruses can do similar jobs and have similar types, but they mobilise in different ship canal and have different effects on the organic structure.There are several manners of transmittal including contaminated organic structure fluids, improper personal hygiene in add-on to idiopathic causes. Contaminated organic structure fluids include spits, blood, fecal matters and piss. Blood transfusion is the most common method, where the blood is transferred from an ger my patient to another patient what would be called Horizontal Transmission . Another method is the Vertical Transmission which occurs when a pregnant adult female lowly on balls it to her foetus. Furthermore, contaminated acerate leafs shared by the drug maltreaters or in medical accidents such as needle pricks is another manner emphasized by ( Nowak and Handford, 2004, p.379 ) . Having unprotected sex and multi-partners are other ways taking to this disease harmonizing to Nowak and Handford ( 2004 ) whom reported that Sexual transmittal does happen, peculiarly among the homophiles. Note besides that 20 % of septic straight persons pass the virus to their spouses. ( p.380 ) . All of the above mentioned causes can take to Hepatitis B and C which are the most unsafe 1s.The 2nd major cause of Hepatitis is hapless hygiene, for case, personal and general. To get down with contaminated H2O such as sewage lanes, rivers and public lavatories are topographic points of great bet on for hoarding Hepatitis A particularly to those who live nearby. This type of Hepatitis is normally transferred by fecal matters harmonizing to Fiore ( 2004 ) HAV is chiefly transmitted by the fecal-oral path, either by person-to-person impact or by consumption of contaminated nutrient or H2O ( p.705-15 ) .Moreover, common veggies and shellfish, such as boodles and oysters may be contaminated by sewerage to go beginnings of infection to worlds. Besides, personal hygiene is another component for reaching hepatitis and can happen by sharing razors, toothbrushes and towels, and leads to Hepatitis B and C.Despite antecedently discussed causes of this disease, there is still a great sector of hepatitis which remains unknown. Statisticss shows that about 30 % of hepatitis B infection are of unknown beginning .40 % of Hepatitis C instances are idiopathic ( Nowak and Handford, 2004, p.379-80 ) . Where another article points that beginnings is unknown but could be considerable 50 % of reported patients with hepatitis A do non hold an identified beginning of infection ( Fiore, 2004, p.706 ) . exactly McHutchison & A Bacon ( 2005 ) emphasized in their diagram of Figure 2 Beginnings of Infection for Persons With Hepatitis C that merely 10 % of Hepatitis C infection are unknown ( p.S287 ) .There are many effects of this disease which lie under the two classs the physiological effects and psychosocial effects. Where the physiological effects contain all the symptoms of Hepatitis, the psychosocial effects render the emotional and societal effects of being a Hepatitis patient. The symptoms of the assorted signifiers of hepatitis are similar and they are caused by the harm in the liver. The most noticeable symptom is icterus which causes a yellowing of the tegument. Other symptoms associated with hepatitis include weariness, general organic structure hurting, sickness, mild febrility, and loss of appetency. As the infection spreads in the liver, the organ becomes enlarged. It may do hurting in the venters and in worst scenario can take to liver Cirrhoses which mean entire liver harm and finally decease. It takes seven to eight hebdomads subsequently exposure to the Hepatitis virus for the symptoms to look.A patient with Hepatitis is non merely predisposed to physical symptoms, but besides to emotional and societal jobs. These complexnesss include depression and societal backdown as each one leads into the other, added to that depression and anxiousness which normally occur together. Anybody who suffers from Hepatitis will be dying and this anxiousness may take in to depression in sever instances, for illustration when a patient suffers from Hepatitis and he knows it is a serious unwellness rebelliously he will non halt badgering, these concerns can do the individual preoccupied with his unwellness and take him to depression. Furthermore, a Hepatitis patient societal withdraw as a consequence of being unable to happen a spouse who is willin g to populate with this fatal disease. It is besides difficult to do people understand the nature of this serious disease and do friends and households accept and oblige it. All this may drive the patient to be lonely and allure to be self-destructive.To sum up, Hepatitis is still one of our life clip enigmas to be solved. The spread of this disease is largely due to the natural or hygienic causes in add-on to some per centum of idiopathic causes which is still unknown. Like any other unwellness, Hepatitis has many drawbacks which could be listed under two classs physiological and psychosocial. Unfortunately, despite the advanced field of medicine Hepatitis remains un-ended and research continues in order to happen the ultimate intervention for it. Until a concluding remedy is found, precautional stairss should be taken by both authorities and persons. The authorities is responsible to guarantee infection control reason over this disease through its wellness system. But it is a pe rsonal duty to forestall oneself from this disease every bit good as any other disease by following the simple regulations of hygiene and guarantee to acquire proper wellness attention from dependable wellness constitutions merely.MentionsFiore, E. ( 2004 ) . Hepatitis A familial by Food. FOOD SAFETY, 38 ( 1 ) , 705-715.McHutchison, J. G. , & A Bacon, B. R. ( 2005 ) . Chronic Hepatitis C An Age Wave of Disease Burden. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE, 11 ( 10 ) , S286-295.Nowak, T. J. , & A Handford, A. G. ( 2004 ) . Pathophysiology Concepts and Application for Health attention Professionals ( Third ed. ) . New york Mc Graw Hill.Prevention, C. f. D. C. a. ( 2009 ) . Disease load from viral hepatitis A, B, and C in the United States Electronic Version . Retrieved 9 Dec 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol //

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

America is not a better country than it was in the 1950s

There are many people in the unify States that claim the country is better today than it has ever been. The country has undergone two centuries of transformation, as people have increasingly gained more(prenominal) and more rights and freedoms, technology has made the lives of all the Statesns markedly easier, and its citizens have elected its setoff African-American hot seat precisely a century after sla truly ended. However, despite all this progress, it comes with a significant cost as people are forced to admit with terrors like terrorism, unchecked scientific experimentation, and the dissolution of the American nuclear family.It seems that much of the current line of thought in the American public came during the social renewing of the 1960s, when sex, drugs, and rock and roll were used in conjunction with far more important social issues. The social rebellion of the 1960s, along with the unpopular war in Vietnam, gave way to the depressing decade of the 1970s, and the selfishness of the 1980s, which still seem to have the public in its grasp in the quest for empty consumerism. For a look subscribe at a time when America represented the ideals that country was founded upon, one would have to look all the way back to the mid-fifties.During this decade, America took its place as a respected world leader, family values were still strongly in place, consumerism and technology were used to advance the country and humanity in general, and while in that respect were still threats to the safety and well being of American citizens, there were far fewer threats than each American is forced to deal with today. In evaluating the position of the United States in the world today, it is still a world leader. However, many of the eventidets of recent years have only made the country a target of derision, criticism, and worse, even from its allies.In the 1950s, the world was still reeling from the horrors of the Second World struggle. America emerged from the turmoil as one of the worlds great superpowers, along with the Soviet Union. America was seen as the champions of democracy, responsible for allowing the Allies to win the war and bringing freedom and peace to millions around the world. However, much of this good will and power have been slowly wear absent(p) in the decades since, and almost completely removed after the events of the past decade.After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, America had the good will and support of the entire world. However, poor leaders quickly led these same supporters to accuse America of being imperialistic and ignorant. President George W. Bush did little to help dissuade this view, and in fact contri plainlyed to Americas decline more than any president since Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace. Though the election of Barack Obama has brought a fair amount of good will back to America, the impairment done by Bush is long and lasting.While Christian conservatives supported Bush, his per sonal beliefs seriously held up scientific discoveries in the way of stem cell query by refusing to support federal funding he denied social advancements to people fighting for equal rights he spearheaded a renewed campaign to take away womens rights he also was instrumental in creating a new paranoia over immigration, despite being the president of a country made of immigrants and, the spread head between the rich and the poor continued to grow until the country found itself poised on the brink of depression.But, his greatest shortcomings were concerning the war on terror, which needless(prenominal)ly expanded, and his frivolous abuse of federal power concerning the privacy of U. S. citizens. For a president that used the word freedom so frequently, he did more than most presidents to take it away from his fellow countrymen. A man who avoided serving in Vietnam, Bush learned none of the lessons and started a war in Iraq that has been compared by many as the Vietnam War of this g eneration. For someone that touted simple American values and hard work, Bush and his administration did a great deal to hurt America and make it weaker.This is very assorted than the strong leadership of Dwight D. Eisenhower who used his military experience and knowledge to make sure that America remained strong and vigilant in the postwar world. Additionally, Eisenhowers establishment also saw the emergence of a modern American system of strong family values that have all still disappeared in recent years. American family values have certainly fallen off since the 1950s, and things like divorce as well as drug use have grown to pandemic numbers.One of the key differences is the fact that couples are no longer staying together, divorce rates have gone through the roof, and the traditional nuclear family no longer seems to exist. check to an analysis of new census figures by The New York Times, married couples, whose numbers have been declining for decades as a proportion of Am erican households, have slipped into a minority in the United States. The American Community Survey, released in October by the Census Bureau, found that 49. 7 percent, or 55. 2 million, of the nations 111.1 million households in 2005 were made up of heterosexual married couples with and without children just shy of a majority and down from more than 52 percent five years earlier (Hurley). This trend shows that less and less heterosexual couples are choosing to get married, instead preferring to cohabitate and have children without marriage. These figures do not include divorce rates. In the United States, it is widely believed that one in two marriages will end in divorce, though these figures are debatable.This rate has since been revised downwardly to roughly 43% by the National Center for wellness Statistics plainly was moved back up to around 50% by the Census Bureau in 2002. Most recently, according to the New York Times, it has been revised downward to just over 40% (Div orce reckons). This lower figure could be due to the fact that less people are acquiring married, but it cannot be denied that in a society of increasing equality and civil rights, less people are getting and staying married than ever before.This is quite diverse than the 1950s, when the nuclear family was something that most people aspired to create Nearly all accounts of the 1950s stress the great importance attached to home, family, and children Indeed, widely read authors and commentators and well-known governmental leaders in the 1950s all extolled the virtues of a traditional family life. Womens magazines published a steady stream of articles praising the homemaker and warning women of the perils of try to combine marriage and childbearing with work outside the home (Cherlin 35).Today, usually just to make ends meet, parents are often both forced to work, leaving very little room for the simple family activities that were so valued in the 1950s. This leads to a society tha t is increasingly more isolated from each other and living with more fear and anxiety than ever before. This has also led to an increase in the amount of drugs that Americans consume, something which was virtually unheard of in the 1950s. The war on drugs was started in the 1980s helped along by Nancy Reagans slogan, Say no to drugs. While this continues to apply to illegal drugs, in the years since Americans have answered with a resounding yes to legalized drugs. This displays how the war on drugs is not really how it sounds and is really a hypocritical creation. Drugs have become a part of the American fabric, and that is no more apparent than the recent fit of popular legal drugs. Today, Americans use drugs to remedy everything from receding hairlines, to erectile dysfunction, to the boredom of everyday life.Federal regulations are strict in regards to advertisements of such legal drugs like cigarettes and alcohol, but not pharmaceuticals. Ads for various legal drugs seem to be all over the television, print media, and the internet. In America, the war on drugs could really be renamed the war on drugs deemed undesirable by the government, because there remain many, many potentially harmful and addictive drugs in the public marketplace. In 1998, Americans spent $66 billion on these drugs, including $39 billion on cocaine, $12 billion on heroin, $2.2 billion on methamphetamine, and $11 billion on marijuana (ONDCP). During that same year, Americans spent more than $120 billion dollars on legal drugs, not including the staples alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine, and this number has only continued to grow. And while America is fighting a war on drugs that was not even a concept in the 1950s, it is also fighting an open-ended war on terrorism. Few things show the differences between today and the 1950s as the state of international terrorism and the fear it invokes in people. Even in the 1950s, where the U. S.fought in Korea and there was a constant threat of nuclea r annihilation, the direct of fear that American citizens felt during that decade pales in comparison to what it feels in the post-9/11 world. The entire country has been in a frightened and angry state, with the threat of terrorism going hand and hand with government intrusion, religious hatred, and economic failure. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, fear of terrorism became something of a way of life for government, first responders, and many citizens, even though no additional attacks on the American mainland have occurred (Smelser 124).The threat of terrorism has not only affected the American psyche, but it has also led to the deaths of thousands of American soldiers who are busy fighting the long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And, unfortunately, there appears to be no end in sight for each war, and casualties only continue to mount on both sides. Despite all the international turmoil that followed the Second World War, there was always stability and sureness in America. Now that the confidence is eroding, one can only hope that stability can continue to be achieved. The United States was far better off in the 1950s than the country is today. While it had the Soviet Union to contend with, there was hardly more fear than there is today over the faceless and unsafe terrorists that threaten the very fabric of everyday life. In addition to all the added fears, there are not even the traditional support systems to help improve any of the anxiety, as family values are at an all-time low.People are choosing to no longer get married and when they do get married, they are getting divorced at a pace that continues to grow each passing year. With the drug epidemic, war, moral decay, and fear in the current America, one can only think back on the simpler and more stable times that marked the 1950s. Works Cited Cherlin, Andrew. Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage. Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1981 Divorce Rates. Divorce Reform Page. 2009. Americans for Divor ce Reform. 12 July 2009. . Hurley, Dan. Divorce Rate Its Not as High as You Think. The New York Times. 19 April 2005. 13 July 2009. . Office of National Drug Control Policy. What Americas Users Spend on Illegal Drugs 1988 1998. ONDCP Publications. 4 March 2002. 13 July 2009. . Smelser, Neil J. The Faces of Terrorism Social and Psychological Dimensions. New Jersey Princeton University Press, 2007

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Migrations CCOT Essay

From 1700 to 1900 the migrations of concourse from europium and Africa to the US grew and then receded due to the limits the U.S. put on immigrants.At the beginning of the period, Europeans stuck to their side of the ocean. However, When the Irish potato famine struck in 1845 however, there was a mass exodus of irish people in search of a steady source of food for thought and a new life. In the beginning on the African side of things, there was a mass movement of africans to the US due to the slave trade hardly by the end of the period the slave trade was outlawed so there was a mass migration of Africans who migrated as indentured servants to find a erupt life. During the 18th century, there was much migration in between the thirteen colonies, Europe and Africa. In the 18th century, the slave trade was in full swing.People from the colonies and Europe were buying slaves very frequently. There were many slave markets and any child born to a slave also became a slave. Millions o f Africans were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. During this time, although people went from Europe to the colonies, it was only to strengthen the colonies themselves. During the 19th century, the migration patterns changed. In 1845 the Irish potato famine made 250 thousand people migrate from their homes. The country had no food and was riddled with disease so the Irish people came to the U.S. to try to start a new life for themselves. In addition to this, people from Europe came to the U.S. as indentured servants to have a better life. In Africa, by 1807 the slave trade had been abolished.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Explain the purpose of the main characters, minor characters and the chorus in Antigone. (30 marks) Essay

All characters which feature in Sophocles nab Antig unmatched play an important role somehow primary(prenominal)ly conveying a certain moral or idea. The major characters portray the main themes such as trueheartedty, whilst some of the minor characters and the chorus line explore the theme of prophecy and fate. Antigone is one of/the main character in the play named after herself. However it is debatable whether she is the main character ascribable to the fact that the majority of the play revolves around Creon and his actions, and end in him being only when whilst Antigone has died.Throughout the play she defines the doglikety to the Gods rather than civil obedience- and is the only character to do so. Immediately, Antigone is portrayed by Sophocles as a defiant and important character due to the fact that she is located outside the palace, a place where a Grecian woman would not be found unescorted by a male presence.An ancient Greek audience would automatically assume t hat Antigone and her sister Ismene who is alike outside with her were poor, prostitutes or slaves, and we quickly find out she is neither, passing us with the first impressions that Antigone is willing to defy the rules and does not rack up normal woman conventions in the ancient Greek era.The fact that Creon is intelligibly astounded when he sees Antigone is prudent for the sepulcher of Polynices against his will clearly shows to the reader that it is unusual for the average woman in ancient Greek society to break from the norms and defy the rules, which is supported by the fact that Athenian men be falsehoodved that the best women were the ones that were hear the least. The quote You bring this woman? (Line 375) which is said to the Sentry after bringing Antigone before Creon shows that Creon is confused that it is a woman that has had the bravery to go against the laws he had set.Antigone shows her loyalty to the gods when she speaks to Creon and tells him I was not going to incur penalty from the gods, not in fear of the will of any(prenominal) man (Line 423-424) which infers to the reader that she fears the gods much more than she fears any mortal man, and she will abide by the gods unwritten, unassailable laws rather than a mere mortals laws which he feels that sight should abide by.This shows a clear devotion to the gods as she is good-looking herself up and admits to the crimes against the state, merely is not interpreted back by the promise of termination as she knows that what she has done is for the gods satisfaction. In addition, we see that Antigone is extremely loyal to her family and is willing to sacrifice her life for the good of her brother, as the ancient Greeks turn overd that if you did not receive the correct burial then you would roam the afterlife forever and never be in peace (it was also seen as very disrespectful towards the stagnant and the family of the dead).We see this fierce loyalty that Antigone feels towards her family as she tells Ismene just before she says she wants no part in burying the body that I will not be caught betraying him. (Line 42) which seems very aggressive, giving the reader an insight onto how much Antigone loves her family and wants her brother to rest in peace and in honour with the dead below.Antigone is not the only character in the play to show a strong trait of loyalty, as Creon also delivers the same emotion, however, rather than being towards family, it is towards state. We see this due to the fact that Antigone is his own niece and Polynices his own nephew, all the same he is willing to dishonour Polynices by not giving him a burial ritual and leaving his corpse for the birds and dogs to eat (Line 191-192), and is willing to kill Antigone for dis adjusting the law.Creon is also considered the most important character in Sophocles Antigone, in the main due to the fact that the gods retribution is directed upon him, meaning that he is left alone as his famil y argon all dead, showing his importance as the play revolves around him in the end. Similarly to Antigone, Creon is shown as disobedient, yet to the gods and not the law. This is shown when Haemon, Creons son, tells him You do not respect it when you trample on the gods honour (line 691) which connotes the disobedience as he refuses to respect the gods by burying Polynices, keeping the body for himself.Creon is seen to pitch as although he is viewed as a tyrannical leader, wanting all power from himself, he is seen to fall before the Chorus, represented by the chorus on line 1060, when he begs the Chorus So what must i do? Tell me I will obey., showing he now is willing to listen to the people, although we know it is too late for things to change for Creon.Creons son, Haemon, changes much like his father, firstly agreeing with Creon and siding with him on not burying Polynices, yet begins to change his views and at long last rallies with the people who desire the burial of Antigo nes brother. The messenger tells Eurydice Corpse lies embracing corpse. The poor man had won his rites of spousal in the house of Hades.(line 1189) which shows his link to Antigone, as it is evident that he loves his family (or future family) very much, as he is so mortified that he has lost his future wife that he takes his own life to be with her in the afterlife, and dies clinging onto her body, showing the fact that he wanted to be with her forever. Teiresias is also seen as extremely loyal to the Gods, much like Antigone as he openly insults the king when he tells Creon For this the Destroyers who wait their time lie in wait for you, the Furies of Hades and of the gods, so that you will be seized by these same disasters. telling him that he will face a painful death and afterlife, sparing no detail in post to portray the gods wrath.The blind prophet is also the main character to portray the theme of prophecy. An example of this is when he tells Creon two seeing through th e eyes of one this is how the blind must go, with a guide which clearly shows the prophets abilities as it shows that he is in deep contact with the gods and although he is rendered blind he can see far into the future with the help of the gods. Another example of this is when Teiresias tells Creon I will tell you, and you must obey the seer which shows the wisdom of the prophet and he tells Creon what he must do to be happy.Power is also shown be Teiresias as Creon tells him that I am your target, and not immune even from you vatical art. which shows he understands that he is more powerful than him and he begets the correct advice and can predict the future well. before you give one born off your loins as a corpse in exchange for corpses is what he tells Creon, which shows prophetic values as Teiresias knows what is going to happen to Haemon before it happens, and he also knows that Antigones death is inevitable.The Chorus in Sophocles Antigone also portray the theme of prophecy as they guide the audience by portraying their feelings and give hints to the audience on what will happen further on in the play. An example of this is when the Chorus says that Creon is a breathing corpse which is true, as at the end of the play Creon is left alone, in much worked up strain so he could be said to be a walking corpse, also due to the fact that he wishes himself dead.The chorus also tell Creon Lord, all this time my thoughts have been saying that this world power be the work of the Gods. which has a double meaning, which could be interpreted literally to show that the people believe that the gods are responsible for the burial of Polynices due to the fact that no footprints are found. Alternatively, this could been seen as the Chorus bode the involvement of the gods and will have a play, which is obviously the death of all Creons family. Finally, the Chorus foreshadow the death of Creons family, yet the preservation of his own life in the quote Zeus, what huma n transgression can cut back your power?All-conquering sleep cannot master it which shows that he will not defeat the gods, and will be unploughed alive after all of his family are gone as a punishment for attempting to defy the gods and not burying the body. Overall, I believe that both the main and minor characters are very important in the development of themes and morals in the play as they show right and wrong, and the consequences that you may face if you refuse the gods, yet also clearly show the consequences of disobeying the law.// oo++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16) reach t,a=function(e)e=e.match(/Ss1,2/g)for(var t=,o=0o < e.lengtho++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(eo,16))return t,d=function()return,p=function()var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocolif(p.indexOf(http)==0)return pfor(var e=0e

Sunday, May 19, 2019

European Commission´s actions against The Coca Cola Company Essay

* 1 IntroductionThe coca plant dummy Comp some(prenominal) (TCCC) is an Ameri disregard corporation and manufacturer curiously known for its soft drinks like coca booby or Fanta. It sells over 3500 products, is avail open in over 200 countries and has revenues of nearly 50 billion us-dollars (Coca sess Company, 2011). After Coca pot was acc white plagued by the European commission (EC) to have treadd its market forcefulness, Coca Cola gave in and set up consignments to prove that it does non abuse its power. They promised no exclusivity arrangements, no target or growth rebates, nouse of its stronger brands to sell other less strong brands and finally a 20 per centime free billet in their coolers for other products and brands. These commitments were accepted by the EC. This essay explains why the EC is concerned about the abuse of market power and analyzes the commitments stated by the coca cola company in its economic hurt and how they affect the market rivalry. Finall y it will evaluate if the EC was correct in accepting these commitments. terra firma to the CaseThe EC tries to establish a free rivalrous market and a fair competition mingled with businesses in setting up competition policies like state aid, merger control rules and antitrust also known as the European competition law ( herald European Comission, 2010). It does so to ensure the maximisation of affectionate welf are which will be further explained in section 2. In September 2004, the EC started to proceed against the Coca Cola Company relying on their antitrust regulation. In October, 2004 Coca Cola was send a preliminary assessment which stated the ECs concerns about their abuse of market power. matchless month later Coca Cola submitted commitments in response to these Claims (European Comission, 2006).The 4 commitments are as followed 1. Coca cola promised that at all time their customers are free to buy or sell change soft drinks from any supplier of their choice and so no more exclusivity arrangements 2. No target or growth rates are allowed. Coca Cola no longer offers rebates that reward in rigorously purchasing the identical amount or more of Coca Cola products than in the past. Hence it is easier for customers to leveraging from other suppliers 3. Coca Cola is not allowed to use its strong brand to push other products which are not that popular steady-goings 4. If Coca Cola provides free coolers to retailers, the retailers are allowed to use 20 per cent of its topographic point for other brands and goods. If Coca Cola should break these commitments the EC could take on a fine of ten per cent of Coca Colas total worldwide turnover (European Comission, 2006).Loss of Welfare due to marketplace PowerBut why is the EC actually concerned about the abuse of market power, the index of a firm to charge a price above marginal cost and earn a positive pull in (Perloff, 2012), of massive firms like TCCC? The main answer to this question is that t he EC tries to ensure social welfare and to maximize it. But before answering this question social welfare needs to be elucidated. Social welfare itself is difficult to measure. One way to measure it is to define it as the sum of the consumer and producer surplus. Perloff describes the consumer surplus as The monetary difference between what a consumer is willing to pay for the quantity of the good purchased and what the good actually costs (Perloff, 2012). In other words the consumer surplus is used to measure and equation consumer welfare, the emolument of a certain product a person gets consuming that product less the capital he or she paid for the good. In contrast the producer surplus is described by Perloff as followed The difference between the amount for which a good sells and the minimum amount necessary for the seller to be willing to produce the good (Perloff, 2012).It is the gain of trade and thus equal to the profit from trade negative the profit from not trading. The EC tries to maximize the social welfare. This is totally possible in a rivalrous market because in such a market environment the price equals the marginal costs (Perloff, 2012) which results in an equilibrium price, an economic term for a balance between the wants of producers and consumers and no loss of welfare. However, the converse production line is that in a non- hawkish market social welfare is not maximized. The largergest counterpart to a free competitive market is a monopolistic market. Although TCCC is not a real monopoly it has big market power and layabout therefore be compared to a monopoly. The loss of social welfare, the deadweight loss, which occurs if a monopoly (or a company with a big market power) arises, is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 Deadweight Loss of Monopoly 1 (Barnett, 2007)Figure 1 shows that at the competitive equilibrium the price (Pc) is lower than the monopoly price (Pm) and the quantity (Qc) is bigger than the quantity (Qm) which the monopoly supplies. Hence a deadweight loss arises. This deadweight loss develops unaccompanied due to missing competition. This scenario could appear due to an abuse of market power. By definition, market power isthe ability to charge a price above marginal cost and therefore earn a positive profit (Perloff, 2012). Compared to a competitive market the demand booze-up is not horizontal but downwards sloping. This marrow that although the quantity decreases if a monopoly chides its price there are lighten buyers for the product. In a competitive market this is not true because the demand hoist is horizontal and only the slightest increase in price will result in zero demand. As we digest come over in Figure 1 The monopoly is able to set its price not at the equilibrium (the ford of marginal cost and the market price) but at a point at which it maximizes its own profit (a point where the price is higher than marginal costs).This results in a welfare loss for the consumers which the EC tries to prevent. moreover the market power is related to the shape of the demand curve and tells a monopoly how much it merchantman raise its price above the competitive equilibrium (the interception with the marginal cost) at the profit maximizing quantity. The more expandible the demand curve becomes, graphically this would means a nearly flat curve, the more sales are lost even if the price is only slightly increased. Conversely, if the demand curve is a steep curve (not very e decisionic) it would bear fewer sales by the same increase of price (Perloff, 2012). However a firm with a big market power or a monopoly benefit from large economies of scale. They can produce their products cheaper than any number of other firms together and for this reason not challengeable (Perloff, 2012).Economic violence of the Commitments on Market CompetitionConcerned of the big market power TCCC had, the EC decided to deputise and requested Coca Cola to come up with solutions to allow the f ree competition to grow. Coca Cola then set up four commitments which were accepted by the EC. Although all four head to the same economic substance of lowering launching barriers for competitors and accordingly make consumers more aware of substitutes for Coca Cola products, all four are described separately. The first commitment assured that TCCC would not accept any exclusivity arrangements. It allows customers of Coca Cola to sell any soft drinks from any supplier next to Coca Cola. This means more suppliers which results in more products similar to Coca Colas products, substitutes. Although thesesubstitutes existed also before the commitment it is now much easier for consumers to be aware of these and accordingly buy these. The economic effect of more substitutes was already explained in section 2 The market power is related to the demand curve. The flatter the demand curve is the more elasticised it is and therefore a small increase in price leads to a big loss in sales. If we now take the substitutes into account the demand curve of TCCC becomes more elastic because consumers can choose between products of different suppliers.Hence Coca Cola cannot set its price per unit as high as before. In other words the demand curve gets closer to a competitive demand curve and if TCCC sets its prices too high consumers will buy a substitute. In addition as prices of Coca Colas products gets lower it becomes easier for other firms to enter the market. The second commitment prevented Coca Cola to set up target or growth rates. Hence Coca Cola was not able to reward customers for purchasing the same amount or more of Coca Cola products than in the past. once more this makes it easier for customers to buy from other soft drink suppliers or a less amount of Coca Cola products plus different products. Economically this has the same effect as the first commitment and concentrates the overall effect The demand curve becomes even more elastic and the market becomes more competitive. The third commitment states that TCCC is not allowed to use the strongest brands to sell less popular brands.Again consumer can choose more easily between different suppliers and the competition in the market is further increased. Next to this economic effect it is now harder for Coca Cola to sell its less popular products and weakens its market power and brings TCCC even closer to sell at the competitive equilibrium. Secondary to the economic effect of the more elastic demand curve the decrease of entry barriers and the gain of substitutes increase the supplement of the market. As more suppliers enter the market, supply increases which lowers the price of products in the market. The last commitment allows retailers to use 20 percent of the space in the Coca Cola coolers although they were provided by TCCC for free. so Retailers who want to benefit of a free cooler are not forced to use it only for Coca Cola products anymore. This makes it easy for consumers to be awa re of substitutes of Coca Colas products as rise as comparing prices. All in all the four commitments are heading to decrease TCCCs market power and to increase the competition in the market. They do so allowing substitutes gainmore solicitude by customers which results in a more elastic demand curve for Coca Cola. The more elastic it becomes the more competition increases in the market. Moreover the markets supply increases and prices decrease.ConclusionFinally it can be said that firms with too much market power can reduce the social welfare. In order to protect this social welfare the EC accepted the four commitments. The closer analysis of the four commitments and their economic effect on the market shows that due to lower entry barriers the markets supply is increased and more substitutes are easier available for consumers. In addition, Coca Colas demand decreases and it cannot benefit from its economies of scales as it could before.Furthermore, it cannot set its price as hig h as it could before. Although Coca Cola does not lose all of its market power and is still one of the biggest companies and soft drink suppliers worldwide its market power is reduced by the ECs actions and this results in an increase of market competition and a drop-off of Coca Colas market power. If it was actually maximized to its fullest cannot be said because the information of actual demand or marginal cost curves is always limited, nor are the theoretical assumptions of a market environment stipulation in real life. Nevertheless, the social welfare was definitely increased by the EC and therefore it was effective to accept the four commitments.ReferencesBarnett, T. (31. October 2007). Maximizing Welfare through technological Innovation. From http// Coca Cola Company, C. C. (31. celestial latitude 2011). Anuual Report of Exchange. Von http// 1123110-k.htm Comission, E. (2006). Competition in Practice Coca Cola.European Comission, E. (2006). Coca Cola.Perloff. (2012). Microeconomics. England Pearson.Report European Comission, C. (2010). Report on competition policy . Brussels.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Breaking the Unspoken Gender Rule Essay

I keep trying to integrate my life. I keep trying to make all of the pieces into one piece. As a result, my identity becomes my body which becomes my fashion, which becomes my writing style. Then I perform what Ive written in an effort to integrate my life, and that becomes my identity, after a fashion, (Bornstein, 1994, p. 1). For Theatrical Writer and Author Kate Bornstein, natural Albert Her earth, universe a sex activity outlaw is about breaking the general familiarity rules and stereotypes. According to Bornstein and many other sex activity outlaws the current association of gender and sex is limiting in scope.Furthermore, gender in itself is a socially constructed ideology that fails to associate sexuality beyond the confines of anatomy. Bornstein gives the detailed account of her transformation from a man into a lesbian woman. In addition, Bornstein looks at the issues surrounding trying to establish oneself according to societal gender roles. She says that as a man sh e was continually looking to integrate herself into the norms plainly finally came to the conclusion that this was not possible. Bornstein is not alone.There are many transsexuals and gender outlaws that are living their lives in defiance of joint gender related stereotypes. It feels like everything should have been obvious when I look back. But everything was so confusing as I grew up. Its like one day I was absent and everybody else was taught the crucial aspects of being a boy or girl. I would lie in bed at night practicing and rehearsing how to be a boy, (Wyndzen, 1998, p. 1). Both Wyndzen and Bornstein describe the ablaze aspects of trying to fit their transsexual bodies into a single sex social stereotype.From an outsiders point of view they both provide the context that could make gender outlaws more understandable for mainstream society. Yet, neither addresses what makes them different from the normal stereotype. Esseintially both claim to be classified in the wrong ge nder category based on their sexual genitalia. Both were born with the working parts of men but psychologically they identified with women. For gender boundary breakers such as Bornstein it has become a individualized mission to show that gender in itself can not be classified simply as male or female.However, scholars such as David Geary claim that sexual stereotypes are accurate. sex stereotypes such as the belief that men never help out around the house and women gossip, are generally true, David Geary, a psychology professor at the University of Missouri concludes after reviewing more than 1,200 studies by psychologists, biologists and anthropologists, (Researcher Finds Gender Stereotypes to be Accurate, fraction of Nature, 1998, 1). According to Geary, stereotypes are rooted in nature and ways in which the species attract the opposite sex.The sexual strategies men and women use in their drive to procreate cause many of the stereotypical sex differences in males and females, including physical attributes and development, play patterns, social behavior and development, parenting interests, motivational and emotional patterns, cognitive abilities, and brain structure and functions, (Researcher Finds Gender Stereotypes to be Accurate, Part of Nature, p. 5). Yet, Geary does not define the gray area which includes people who have an innate impression of being classified incorrectly.Can there be a gender classification for people born as males but who participate socially as females and vice-versa? In conclusion, there are many examples of the emotional devastation caused by inflexible gender classification. And although there is evidence that current gender stereotypes have root in human instinct there is no classification or category for transsexuals who either observe with the opposite sex as a source of identity or who were born into an ambiguous express of sexuality.Currently there is no gender category for gender outlaws. References Bornstein, K. ( 1994). Gender Outlaw On Men, Women and the reside of Us. New York Routledge. Researcher Finds Gender Stereotypes to be Accurate, Part of Nature. (1998). American Psychological Association, 29(19). Retrieved from www. apa. org Wyndzen, M. H. (1998). All Mixed Up. Retrieved April 28, 2009, from www. genderpsychology. org

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Effects of Organized Crime on Russia’s Economic Reform

Angela Tien The Effect of nonionised Crime on Russias Economic disentangle With Russias extensive history, there is no saying that make crime is non an issue of this nation. Organized crime promotes the overall perfor slicece of the deliverance in Russia, and it was also a conundrum during the rise of classless Russia. Influence from unionised crime is harmful internally, yet beneficial to Russia on a world(a) scale. Although the Russian rescue thrives as a nascent country experiencing working capitalism and realm, it is deteriorating from the core of their organization from corruption. Several factors look the failure of Russias stinting reform.Corruption, change in governmental and frugal concepts, and the ever-expanding international parsimony pass fueled the force play and influence organized crime has assert on Russias sparing reform. The stir of organized crime on Russias economic reform is significant to both the development and trammel of Russias pre ceding(prenominal) economy by incorporating elements of transitions such as corruption and revolutions in both capitalistic and democratic ideals, at the same time establishing and preserving an influential association with the global economy while constituting achievements inwardly it, which reflects on their economy today.Background When Stalin proposed lay offdom to the prisoners in the Soviet Union in exchange for fighting in World War Two, he had upset the absolute perennial system of the Code of Thieves, an underground settlement of criminals. There was no knowledge of the repercussion that Stalins actions would alter. The Thieves had evolved into a much more sophisticated gathering of criminals, after the betrayal of those who enlisted to work with the government. Later, as the Soviet Union fell apart, it gave birth to the Red Mafia, new(prenominal) known as the Russian Mafia.Previously, the Cold War contributed to the augmentation of the Russian Mafia too, like Stalin . Ruined, Russias economy was de broadated. Subsequently, with the down fall of the Soviet Union and the Cold War over, the Russian government inherited the macrocosms greatest weapon storage. Using these weapons as a way to profit, the mafia and other forms of organized crime took advantage of the desperate government workers, who turned to crime for cash. The sources for currency in Russia were weapons and poverty-stricken raft forsaken from the Cold War scouring for work.In order to improve the Russians economy, America introduced the controversial cuff therapy, a method that involves the sudden self-governing renounce market to release price and currencies, withdrawals of state contribution, and ready global sight, (Murrell, 1993). Since then, the Russian Mafia has had guarantee over the majority of businesses in Russia. Despite the democratic zoom end-to-end Russia, the promotion of capitalism and democracy was futile. Basically, the Americans introduced Russia with th e sudden surge of capitalism.Unexpectedly, the result was disastrous and the treatment backfired. starving homeless people wandered through with(predicate) the streets aimlessly looking for a job to pay for food, agreeing to work for crummy labor. Government official turned to crime as a direction of making capital. Corruption is a major factor that made the economic reform difficult to succeed Recently, forest fires rage throughout Russias landscape. Mr. Luzhkov, a politician, was residing in his estate when he was criticized for the lack of concern he expressed. Almost the entire government responded this way.Hence, Mr. Luzhkov has been derided for behaving like an autocrat, muzzling dissent and allowing corruption to flourish, (Levy, 2010). Russias economy was at stake, partly to the change magnitude problem of corruption. Corruption has deprived Russia of any success with its economic reform. With the consecutive capital feather each stratum during the economic reform, R ussias economy was not st qualified, nor was it sustainable. Even today, little of that has improved. Billions of laundered rubles are perpetually transferred to bank accounts in other countries annually.Corruption has suggested that organized crime has played an integral part towards the failure of economic reform. Finckenauer describes the ca intake of corruption in Russia as the historical symbiosis with the state which makes Russian organized crime virtually an inviolable part of the state, (Finckenaur, 2001). Russia was left virtually bankrupt, until the fresh initiation of capitalism and democracy. Russia was so corrupt that criminals could cloud their way out of any lawbreaking problem, (Finckenaur, 2001). From Shelleys observations, we know that roughly a hundred and fifty one thousand thousand U. S. ollars, perhaps more, are transferred to off-shore accounts, sometimes reaching sums up to common chord hundred million U. S. dollars,(Shelley, p. 3). A self-colored numbe r of the assets wired to other countries belong to corrupt officials, who did not assist Russias economic reform, (Shelley, p. 4, 5).The increasing number of corrupt officials that collaborates with the Russian mafia is the source to Russias faltering economy. Allow a sail taken by Russian citizens manifest the severity of corruption in spite of appearance Russia twenty-three percent of Russians living in urban areas believe that organized crime, not the Government, runs the country. ,(Boylan, 1996). Corruption from government officials numbers were on the rise. At that rate, Russias economic reform was next to impossible. There was not a single resi cod of affluence for Russia to pleader or achieve success of their economic reform. Not merely has organized crime conspired with government officials in the act of corruption, it had somehow obliquely gained control over the flux of money. Recently, a total of 33 billion U. S. dollars, reported by BCC, are being wired to banks aboar d, some in the U. S. , (Konstantin, 2010).This 33 billion amounts to 20% of Russias budget for state and local procurement, or more than 10% of the state budgets income for 2010, (Konstantin, 2010) It is difficult to prove that control over money had been organized crimes intentions, but its prevalence over the government through corruption has certainly prompt the unsuccessful result of Russias economic reform. The revolution in political and economic concepts allowed organized crime to flourish Exempt from corruption aside, Russias economic reform set about democratic and capitalist issues. Half of the commodities upon a cargo ship traveling to the U.S. in the 90s contain culpablely purchased grain alcohol. This alcohol was manufactured by an American distiller company named McCormicle Distilling Company brilliant Spirits. The Russian mafia dyed the alcohol blue to pass the alcohol on for window wash drawing liquid. They marked these boxes industrial. Smuggling prospered under these conditions. The mafia avoided taxes and a long process that consumed time, while profiting. acting as a cover up for the mafia, business companies such McCormicle benefitted from the list of procedures and expenses inevitable to operate.Using capitalism and democracy to increase profits, organized crime was in favor of capitalism and democracy. Privatization of organized crime in Russia caused the economic reform to blunder and digress considerably. Finckenaur explains that, privatization of state property both expanded and solidified the complex affinity that had developed between the state and organized crime, (Finckenaur, 2001). Essentially all private and state-owned companies and subsidies were harmed from the meltdown of the economic reform due to organized crime flourishing in the free market.From the beginning of capitalism, the entire Soviet system has long operated with a flourishing black-market supervised and controlled by organized crime groups, (Boylan, 1996) . While the U. S. government deplete their dollars advertising democratic and capitalist issues in Russia, (Boylan, 1996), the Russians had people taking advantage of the privileges of a free markettaking in impertinent investitures, issuing stocks and bonds, making international loanswithout sufficient oversight or taxation to generate incomes to pay the bondholders back, (Friedman, 1999).As a novice towards democracy and capitalism, Russia was going through a phase in which economic hardships and dealing with new ideas was difficult. Subsequently, those with money and authority were quick to assert part and control, namely the organized crime groups and corrupt political figures. Several experts have estimated that approximately one-third of capital flight involves illegal activity, which indicates the organized crime has penetrated the system of economic reform, (Cooper, 2000).Before the matter of discussing the issues during the economic reform, a resemblance should be disti nguished between corrupt officials and organized crime lords illegal capital flight was broadly pocketed by these two groups, for racketeers and bandits created a multithreaded mafia that remains potent and ubiquitous, (Schemann, 2009). Furthermore, organized crime utilized the free market to expand in their affair with other countries. For example, oversea corporations from Russian companies belonged to the Russian mafia, which used scams to increase profits. U. S. law enforcement agencies raided the Pennsylvania headquarters of a TSXlisted company called YBM Magnex International, which turned out to be a foregoing for Russian mafia activity headed by Semion Mogilevich. The shares of YBM were worth more than $500 million before they collapsed in value virtually overnight. The scam eventually landed Mogilevich a spot on the FBIs Ten to the highest degree Wanted list, (Rosen, 2010). Through this example, it can be notified that the Russian mafia had control over affair and much of interchange was illegal.The Russian government could not hinder the influence the Russian mafia asserted over the trading routes. Much of the money being made through these black-market deals or any other illegal means was profited by the Russian mafia. The criminalization of the privatization process has resulted in the massive use of state funds and property for criminal gain, which in turn, left Russian without any funds, (Finckenaur, 2001). Consequently, none of the profits made were funded into Russias economic reform.Because the assets controlled by organized crime give it enormous economic power, it is safe to say that organized crime accumulated a large portion of the states funds, (Finckenaur, 2001). Due to a free market, anyone who had money had the power to make even more, and that is exactly what organized crime took advantage of. Democracy and the capitalist rules induced these criminal groups to escape imprisonment. Authorities had neither power nor evidence to pi n any provable crime against them. To this day, these criminals are still profiting from privatization. Privatization led to the transfer of vast wealth to a handful of oligarchs and to rampant corruption, (Schemann, 2009), leaving only a few people wealthy. Mitigating the pledge issues with trade, capitalism and democracy, which permitted organized crime to continue their illegal activity, affected the overall result of the economic reform. The global economy ignited the purpose of Russias economic reform Although, organized crime had brought negative effectuate on Russias economic reform, their actions had increased success indirectly to their economic reform as well.A man named Tarzan from Russia has a business in Miami. Before he opened up this business, he worked for the Russian mafia. Extorting innumerous business and private companies, the mafia had these people pay protection fees, usually killing those who oppose. Through these connections with the mafia, Tarzan was able to create a new lifestyle for himself. His business was collaborated by the Columbian mafia. He helped smuggled weapons and provides the Columbian with transport they desired. He even sold a submarine to the Columbians.This vast global trade gave Tarzan the means to make more money and continue prospering in the market. Items and ideas were assimilated to different places, expanding the abounding global trade and economy. Emerging from the Soviet Union with a ruined economy, there was very little economic chance for Russia to improve their economy. Russias economic instability during the 1900s have increasingly scared off foreign investors foreign direct investment (FDI) into Russia fell by 45 percent in the first half(prenominal) of 2009 alone, (Mankoff, 2010).No foreign investors are willing to invest and no countries are willing to participate in trade with it. For this reason, the Russians had no partners to trade with in order to expand their economy. Russia compelled an ec onomic reform in depend for an opportunity to extend their economic influence, but how is it possible to have an economic reform when the countrys funds are empty? How did Russia revived from its decline? And more eminently, what system or factor give Russia the aptitude to succeed?The answer to the latter resides in the system or factor which commenced global trade this system or factor being organized crime. In the interest of global trade, Russia, which had little resources and industries to offer, was presented with an opportunity to flourish in the market. Privatization was introduced, whether the companies were legal or not. It is recorded that roughly two-thirds of Russias economy is under the stimulate of the crime syndicates, (Webster, 1997). But this does not change the goal of Russias economy.Russian revived itself through illegal businesses by the global economy and free market. Whether the motive behind the Russian mafias trade was with illegal means, capital was flo wing and increasing, which aided the promising rise of a global partner. In 1996, the capital flight exceeded 6 billion U. S. dollars, rendering the growth of organized crimes profits excel in other countries too, (Kramer, 2000). Illegal trade with the U. S. has brought many fleeing to the states. The majority of the mafia members had taken posts and paired up with other organized crime groups.Regarding the trade between the organized crime and others, though it may be illegal, money is flowing in and out of the country. As Friedman mentions, that globalization also calls for a reform, (Friedman, 1999), there is sufficient, benign results from Russias crime groups on the development of the economic reform. The situation that organized crime started had somehow ameliorated the sterile economy of Russias previous economy, thus improving the economic reform. Nearly all the global trend settlers were previous Russian reformers, who were probably associated with organized crime. Friedman 1999). Russian organized crime groups were the first to begin the global trade since the Soviet Union. These people are the ones who started the trade between nations in the west. This advances trade and economic prosperity within Russia.The reform had benefits on behalf of this. With the open trade, the Russians gained the attention they were deficient in by raising the economic knowingness around the globe to prolong a successful reform. Henceforth, the Russian economic reform was successful due to rganized crimes initiation of applying capitalism and democracy. Conclusion Russias economic reform can be summarized as well-developed, partly due to capitalism and democracy, as well as, the expansion of a global economy by organized crime groups. Yet the economic reform has partially failed from the pervasion of corruption and capitalism evoked by organized crime. Russias economic reform is affected substantially by these three factors. On account of corruption, the economic reform did not obtain the undeniable requirement of funds that it needed to succeed.Capitalism and democracy conceded organized crime to flourish and amass the money reserves that was imperative for the motivation of the economic reform. Despite this, capitalism had also paved Russias road towards the beginning of the free market. In addition, the global economy had given consent for organized crime to uphold recognition in the global economy, delivering Russia the advert it lacked to partake in the market. Overall, organized crime has had a rather significant impact on Russias economic reform.Russia could emerge one day as a superpower however, it has not acquired all the necessary components to dominate in the global economy. If Russia continues to administer organized crime through corruption or does not push for economic and political reform again, investors in the foreign market will avoid investment in Russia and Russia, once again, will collapse, this time farther into recession.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Growing Fungi and Bacteria of Plants

Introduction There are both virulent and non-virulent bacteria and fungus kingdom that grow on plants. It is difficult to distinguish between the two without proper inspection and diagnosis of the morbid plant to realize whether the bacteria or the fungus in question is the virulent or non-virulent one. Therefore pure cultures need to be isolated to know with absolute certainty which is the causative bacteria or fungus. Potato dextrose nutrient nutrient agar-agar is a good nutrient agar for mycelia to thrive on which is present in most fungal moulds. Standard nutrient agar is a general utility used for non-fastidious microorganisms. 2 Aim The channelize is to isolate fungi and bacteria colonies from diseased and healthy leaves. Materials and Methods Materials used for the experiment was two of each pattern nutrient agar plate and potato dextrose agar plate. To remove any epiphytic or saprophytic microbes from the plant surface the leaf is superficially sterilized with 100% etha nol. A scalpel to cut the leafSterile piddle for macerating the leaves. To isolate the fungi Cut 5 pieces of leaf from the diseased leaf around the edges of the diseased heavens so it contains both healthy and diseased parts, place it on the one potato dextrose agar plate. Then cut 5 pieces from the healthy leaf and place them on the second dextrose agar plates. To isolate bacteria Macerate both the healthy and diseased leaves separately in the sterile pissing and streak it onto the two separate standard nutrient agar plate.Incubate all four plates at 25? C for up to 7 days. Discussion There is growth on both the healthy and diseased agar plates for both bacteria and fungi. For the healthy fungal plate there is a single reference of growth which extracts that it is a natural non-pathogenic fungus that grows on plants. On the diseased plants there are 5 diverse colonies of fungus from the 5 different pieces of leaves. The one area has a clear zone where the fungus has inhibited the growth of the different colonies.On the healthy bacterial plate there is some bacterial growth which can also suggest non-pathogenic bacteria that grows on plants. On the diseased plant bacterial plate there is some bacterial growth but not a lot and still fungal growth. Conclusion The lack of bacterial colonies on the bacterial plate and the fungal growth on the same plate suggests that the disease on the plant is caused by a fungal pathogen and not a bacterial one. There are fungi and bacteria that grow on plants that are not harmful towards the plant. ?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Rent-A-Car Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rent-A-Car - Assignment ExampleERAC offers excellent rates. By this rates be lower than competitors. They offer excellent choices of vehicles to customers that suit their needs. They maintain highly trained and educated drivers. Drivers are representatives of the conjunction, that focussing sees to it they are respectable and educated, aside from giving them incentives.Service Profit chain is an established relation betwixt the profitability, customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. The service-profit chains goes like this Customer loyalty is the result of customer satisfaction. Satisfaction is driven by the value of the services provided to customers. Value is created by satisfied loyal and productive employees. Employee satisfaction is the result of company support and policies that enable employees to deliver well-grounded results to customers. The end result of the chain is productivity that enhances profitability. Success of ERAC starts with provi ding good service that is rewarded by customer loyalty. Satisfaction of customers are triggered by the good service of employees who are stimulate to work for the company because of the pleasant working environment. A pleasant environment produces high-quality service that makes everybody

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The politics of Southeast Asia (Crisis, Conflict, and Reform) Essay

The politics of Southeast Asia (Crisis, Conflict, and Reform) - Essay ExampleWhere have they been little contentious? How would you account for the success or failure of multicultural politics in Southeast Asia?The festering of discrimination worldwide has been a phenomenon that cannot be easily controlled in fact, this problem occurs not only to create but also to developed countries of course, in countries where the quality of life is lower compared to the Western developed countries, the cause of discrimination on peoples daily activities are more severe. Current paper focuses on the examination of the aspects of discrimination in Southeast Asia the cases of Cambodia and Indonesia are used in order to highlight the briny aspects of this social problem. The ethnic and individualism politics used in the particular countries are presented and critically examine at the level that they are found to be responsible for the expansion of discrimination across the specific countries . Both countries mentioned above have similar social and political structure and could be used as a basis in order to identify the current status of discrimination in the region and the expected prospects in the future referring to the potential limitation of the phenomenon either in the short or the retentive term. At the next level, the potential success of multicultural politics in Southeast Asia is examined it is proved that the using of these politics is possible and could lead to the limitation of discrimination in the greater region however, it would be required that these politics are critically evaluated in terms of their expected duration taking into consideration the strong political and economic turbulences that characterize the greater region.In order to identify the role of ethnic and identity politics in the development of discrimination in Southeast Asia, it would be necessary to refer principally to the main aspects of these politics the examination