Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Analysis of a Media Contested Family, Neighbourhood or Community Essay

Analysis of a Media Contested Family, Neighbourhood or Community - Essay subjectTyler Clementis outcome was handled in an inconclusive manner. The consensus was still not reached as to who what was to be done to the perpetrators in this reason, how should the society and the family react and the overall judicial process for bringing people to justice. According to the comments gathered from take online sources as well as the media covering Tyler Clementis case, it can be gathered that it was a case of intolerance from all quarters. The perpetrators identified as Ravi and his friend circle were definitely the major culprits in their dour acts which lead to the suicide, but equally to blame were Tylers parents who failed to treat Clementis gender disorder case with care and adequate sensitivity. From all the online commentaries and expert reviews as well as public sentiment the cajolery can be analysed to be a sentiment that blames the entire system including the judiciary, the a cademic system, society and family also.

Monday, April 29, 2019

See the instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

See the instructions - Essay ExampleBy being persuasive, Mr. Berkowitz stated that one can be able to lead others, and even influence others perceptions and beliefs. Therefore, when one is communication persuasively, peculiarly in the workplace, victor is always within reach being persuasive makes one sack up the trusts and the confidence of their employers, their co-workers, and even with the industry leaders where they are practicing their respective professions. In addition to persuasion, Mr. Berkowitz also accentuate that being saturated working, as well as and displaying a highest level of professionalism is essential for one to succeed, especially if that person wants to set up his or her own follow on the future. By being hard working and professional, one will gain the confidence and trusts of the industry, and most importantly the consumers, believing that this particular company would be able to deliver the best services to their clients and business partners alike, a trait that is vital to the success of a start-up

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Reflecting on Assessment Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflecting on Assessment - Personal relation ExampleI know that whenever we are trying to accomplish several(prenominal)thing, it is a group effort so you cannot find the results exactly as you had in mind because individual perceptions differ but on the unit of measurement it was still close to what I had wanted so I find out happy.Conflicts were common and most of the time, they were handled jolly well though it all depended on the individuals involved in the conflicts. Some of them were quite mature so they handled their issues with utmost sensitivity while others were a bit callous. But since in the end it was important to have them resolved, we refused to talk too much about them. Though it would have been better if we could discuss the way in which some of us handled conflicts. That way we can do better in future and understand our declare limitations in much better way.Individual contribution was encouraged but some times some of us felt underappreciated. Though I feel t hat the contributions I made were acknowledged, I still feel that some of the members were acknowledged more than others. I am just not sure they really be it.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Affects of the New Budget of the UK on Built Environment Firms Research Paper

The Affects of the New cypher of the UK on Built Environment upstandings - Research Paper ExampleThe researcher advances that the Parliament depart be implementing austerity measures to combat the growing deficit. The deficit is projected to be 163 billion, which is historically high. Moreover, for the years 2014/2015, the budget deficit is projected to be 74 billion, which is still historically high and is 4% of GDP. The current budget deficit is 11% of GDP. Part of the reason for this deficit can be attributed to the economic recession tax r thus farues be less in a recession, and disposal expenditures, such as unemployment benefits, ar increased. This is cyclical once the saving recovers, then the tax revenues will increase, and the government expenditures will decrease. That said, economic recuperation is uncertain at this point. Moreover, even after the economy recovers, there are still going to be lasting effects. The government assumes that the successful potenti al of the country has been permanently damaged by the protracted economic recession, and this is one problem that the UK government will still face. The housing and the financial sectors of the economy have also suffered permanent structural negatively charged effects. The UK government estimates that the permanent structural deficit comprises 2/3 of the current deficit, and that the cyclical effects comprises wholly 1/3. Therefore, 2/3 of the current deficit is not related to the current economic cycle, which style that 2/3 of the deficit will not be alleviated once economic recovery begins. Therefore, the UK will have to implement additional taxes and will have to cut spending in a variety of areas of the budget. (The Economic Recovery and the Budget Deficit). These budget cuts will have a serious fix on the economy, in particular, firms which specialize in built environment. Therefore, this paper will examine the affects the budget cuts will have on a built environment firm w ith multiple offices, who shall remain anonymous. Discussion Firm Chosen The firm which was chosen for this project is A. This is not my employer. A has offices in Brentwood, Purfleet and Upminster. This firm specializes in woodwork and building services. They are a full service firm, with professionals in the engineering, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and building areas. They also do commercial work, which includes governmental work. In addition to building residences and commercial buildings, they also do landscaping and groundwork, as well as renovations and refurbishments. They also specialize in loft conversions, which means that they take existing spaces in the roof of residential homes and convert these spaces into livable areas (http//www.milbarnconstruction. co.uk/). Austerity and Neo-Liberalism The UK Parliament is essentially implementing austerity measures, in that they are going to cut spending from the budget, in addition to increasing taxes. This is also known as neo-liberalism. Neo-liberalism, explains Grimshaw and Rubery, is attach the pursuing of low inflation, offering limited state assistance to industries and firms, deregulating product markets and liberalizing capital flows. In the process, the interests of finance capitalists are prioritized. Grimshaw and Rubery state that neo-liberalism results in falling wages, instability and growing debt, because it favors capital over labour. Nevertheless, Grimshaw and Rubery state that, even though the UK banking crisis was at least partially caused by a dearth of regulations on the banks, in the belief that allowing unfettered markets will help the markets grow, the UK did not impose any additional regulations on th

Friday, April 26, 2019

Cybercrime Investigation and Digital Forensics Assignment

Cybercrime Investigation and Digital Forensics - appellative ExampleAt the same time, this provides backdoors for hackers to intrude into the healthcare information systems and get access to highly mysterious information standardized patient medical reports, lab results, and other capabilityly lucrative information like insurance details. When a healthcare industrys data is being breached, it not only results in financial and reputation crisis to the industry and the particular proposition organization but also causes dramatic effects to the patients depending on the nature of the disclosed data. When such incidents happen, digital forensics renders a supportering hand in investigating the potential crime scene with evidences that can be presented for prosecution. This report provides a detailed description about the investigating procedure from a perspective of a cyber forensic companys lead forensics investigator which would help in identifying and prosecuting a potential bre ach incident that happened in a healthcare company.To begin with, it would be more appropriate to explain our companys approach in providing the overall plan for touch the potential crime incident that has occurred in a healthcare company. Our investigation team up comprises of security and digital forensic professionals who work in close coherence with highly experienced corporate investigators and well learn background verification team (Investigating a data breach, n. d). Whenever data breach incidents happen, our response team would provide complete guidance regarding the post incident proceedings and provide services highly specific to the requirement of the healthcare industry. Our overall planning process comprises of collecting and securing the digital evidences, visualizing indications for data breach using a triage approach, rigorous analysis of evidences, presenting the investigation results for prosecution, and providing remediation for preventing future reoccurrence s (Nelson,

Thursday, April 25, 2019

An interview with a small animal expert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An interview with a small animal expert - rise ExampleThe nature of the dog makes its most attractive among Americans and to many people around the world. Dogs atomic number 18 super loyal and affectionate. They also look affectionate and cute that endears them to most people. They argon also safe and comparatively easy to maintain. Psychologically, they also tend to fill few void among humans that makes them attractive to us. For example, many experts would give the axe for us to get a dog if we feel lonely and to some extent, dogs can make us feel a little less lonely.Yes dogs ar very helpful in a family. counterbalance is that people in your house will have an automatic playmate. Do you also know that dogs are effective security guards and are extremely protective of their masters? They also bring laughter and rejoicing in the family and to other people.Are brings a sense of affection and right to children growing up. They teach children responsibility on how to take care of something which first begins with a dog. In fact, there are some schools where children are asked to have a dog for them to be taught responsibility.Dogs as cute and affectionate they may be are not for all people. near people may love them but there are some people who finds them annoying and always bother them. Untrained dogs tend to have some bothersome quality as well such as destroying your things in the house or just plainly noisy. Most dogs becomes submissive when they are treated and fed well. But again, if the dog proves difficult, there are always obedient schools or people who could train dogs.Probably you mean rabidness where people contracted it when poker chipten by dogs. Yes rabies and dangerous and could kill people in a very disturbing way. This however can soft be remedied by having the dog injected with an anti-rabies solution to neutralize its rabies. Dogs also dont normally bit people especially their masters and that is even if they are hurt. But of co urse dogs are animals who

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Fog of War Documentary Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Fog of state of war Documentary - Research Paper ExampleAs the intervention stressesMcNamara served as the electric ch oxygenise of land Bank between 1968 and 1981.The Public policy system analysis which by and by developed into the recent discipline referred to as policy analysis was instituted by McNamara. After the Second orbit War, he contributed into reestablishment of the Ford Motor Company while serving as its president before sightly self-abnegation Secretary. He became the companys director in 1957 and its president in 1960.He was then pass along by President John F. Kennedy to abandon his position in the company and serve as the Defense Secretary of the united States. He also served as a member of the board of directors in different corporations as well as non-profit making organizations. He has written documents on several issues and topics like homo hunger, nuclear arms, relationships between east and west, the environment, population and development.This essay declares thatthe film provides an analysis of McNamaras controversial issues in the course of Vietnam War, his contributions during valet de chambre War II, his upbringing and educational undercoat at Berkeley and Harvard and finally, his service as the president of World Bank for a period of thirteen years. The legend of the film is Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara.At the age of 85, Morris interviewed McNamara the film was produced based upon that interview. In addition, the film contains television and new reports of 1960s and cabinet photos during the hold of President Kennedy.... ysis of McNamaras controversial issues in the course of Vietnam War, his contributions during World War II, his upbringing and educational background at Berkeley and Harvard and finally, his service as the president of World Bank for a period of thirteen years. The subtitle of the film is Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara. During his study, he did statistical analysis with the aim of improving bombing strategies during World War II. At the age of 85, Morris interviewed McNamara the film was produced based upon that interview. In addition, the film contains television and new reports of 1960s and cabinet photos during the reign of President Kennedy. Information was recorded during Vietnam War, Cuban Missile Crisis, bombings of World War II, and air attacks against Vietnam to help in understanding what was going on during those periods. Some of the major contributions of McNamara are seen in the Vietnam War which caused deaths of over fifty eight railway yard Americans and 3.4 million Vietnam Citizens. Vietnam War was a conflict between the northern part of the country under the support of communist countries against the southern part that was supported by the United States and other countries that were against the communist policy. The reasons for the United States engaging in the war was to prevent communism from further bed cover whi le Vietnam government wanted to unify the country under a communist government (Morris 38). During World War II, McNamara acted as the commander under General Arch-hawk. He was among the group that came up with the decisions and bombed 67 cities in Japan during which large numbers of civilians were killed. For instance, in the city of Tokyo alone, more than one hundred thousand civilians died after the bombing

Randstad as a Professional Employment Agency Essay

Randstad as a Professional Employment Agency - Essay showcaseThe researcher states that Randstad is the second biggest staffing organization in the world. Randstad plays a fundamental role in developing the oeuvre and leveraging the maximum value of human capital to benefit clients, arsedidates, investors, and employees. The main problem of Randstad is handling its multigenerational workforce, so that retention rates can be boosted. Its minor problems ar intergenerational conflicts due to differences in work and personal values and developing performance management strategies that fit different generations. The primary issues of the firm are employee retention strategies for different generations and concerns in maximizing the benefits of its coaching approach to team building and retention. These issues can be approached done considering the factors of enhancing work climate and job fulfillment to increase employee retention rates. HR should examine individual and generational needs through interviews and surveys. The major problem of the company is enhancing its retention rate. Its minor problems are intergenerational conflicts due to differences in work and personal values and developing performance management strategies that fit different generations. The first ersatz is to focus on enhancing the work climate. Work climate can enhance recruitment and retention victory of workers. The work climate can affect provider outcomes, such as job satisfaction and overturn rates. Positive views of the psychological work climate can enhance job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation, and productivity. Particular actions that can enhance the work climate include training employees to develop their coaching and intergenerational communication and culture skills. This way, employees are trained to handle generation-based differences in attitudes and work/communication practices.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Involvement and Young Adults Sexual Health Knowledge Article

Involvement and Young Adults Sexual Health Knowledge - Article Example position emphasis has been placed on social media artifacts because they are so heavily used by adolescents and boyish adults. In addition, individuals within this age group receive a large amount of their information from such get-gos. Prior to this study, researchers viewed the social media as negatively impacting the sexual decisions of modern adults. Although there is the valid support for this supposition, the authors of this bind suggest there may also be some positive effects of social media artifacts on this population. These effects include educating young adults somewhat sexually transmitted diseases and offering the possible outcomes of premarital sex. Pointedly, the authors plead that the majority of earlier research concentrated solely on the television as the primary source of informationthere was no focus on magazines. Due to the broad range of sexual topics discussed in modern day magazines that are read by young adults, researchers postulate that these magazines may assist young adults with making decisions about sex such as discussing contraception options with a partner or choosing to leave off from sexual activity until marriage. Consequently, it can be correlated that an increase in magazine reading may lead to an increase in condom/contraceptive and more positive decisions concerning sexual health. Therefore, this article aims at understanding how magazines serve as constructive sources of information and enable young adults to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Throughout Studies 1 and 2, the authors hypothesized that because of the coverage of sexual health issues in magazines reading certain genres of magazines (womens lifestyle, teen, and mens lifestyle) would be positively correlated with sexual health knowledge, safe-sex self-efficacy, safe-sex intentions, and contraceptive use (p. 287).

Monday, April 22, 2019

In defense of international sweatshops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

In defense of international sweatshops - Essay caseb.Living wage regulation According to De George, the living wage allows the worker to live in high-handedness as a human being. This timeworn is nice to hear but may be really difficult to determine as it involves the abstract ideal of dignity which would be debatable and may be variable among individuals.c.Donaldsons shew This standard proposes a moral tokenish that complies with the test, The form is permissible if and besides if the members of the home country would, under conditions of economic development relevantly similar to those of the host country, regard the practice as permissible. Again, interpretation of the moral minimum would take off from individual to individual according to the subjective perceptions of each. This therefrom will make this standard difficult to use if not altogether useless.d.Classical liberal standard This standard proposes that a wage or labor standard is ethically acceptable if it is freely chosen by informed workers. The standard is by far the most practical and logical among the four. It allows grocery store and labor forces to consecrate the appropriate wage and labor standards in a particular location. Maitlands criticism of Donaldsons test is persuasive and easy to agree to. As previously stated, the moral minimum proposed by Donaldson and complying with his test would vary from individual to individual and as Maitland said will confuse implementing managers in the international sweatshops.... usly stated, the moral minimum proposed by Donaldson and complying with his test would vary from individual to individual and as Maitland said will confuse implementing managers in the international sweatshops.Donaldson and De George believe the classical liberal standard is inapplicable to poor, developing countries because in these countries, some build of market failure or the solid ground conditions are lacking for market forces to work effectively. Such ba ckground conditions include the genuinely high average level of unemployment of 40% in developing countries, and background institutions homogeneous enforceable minimum wage. These prevent the effective application of neoclassical economic principles wherein the classical liberal standard is based. I disagree with Donaldson and De Georges arguments because I consider the very same background conditions that they say prevent market forces to work, as part of the market forces. 2. By American standards, payoff in international sweatshops are very low and working conditions appear terrible. Does the fact that foreign workers are eager to take these jobs establish that those engage and conditions are morally acceptableIn my opinion, the fact that foreign workers are eager to take sweatshop wages and conditions despite their disparities with American standards make this morally acceptable. Moral acceptability as defined by Kant (1998) connotes universalizability. The concept of unive rsalizaibility states that the only morally acceptable maxims of actions are those that could rationally be willed to be universal law. I would melt the interpretation to apply to the eagerness of the foreign workers. Since all the foreign workers are agreeable to the wages and conditions, then they are morally acceptable. 3. Maitland appears to

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Microsoft as a Service Provider Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

The Microsoft as a Service Provider - Es enjoin ExampleIn this case, the nine states are responsible for regulating the trading operations of Microsoft, the reason why they have instituted a legal case against Microsoft for trying to undermine Linux, a scenario seen as likely to scuttle competition in the industry which is detrimental to economic growth. This also has negative cause with regards to promotion of competition in the industry.b) Basically, an ethical consideration specifically refers to something that is generally accepted as morally, socially and even economically good for various stakeholders that is the general population as a whole which is moved(p) by the operations of a particular organization. In this regard, we would be looking at how the operations say of another company can impact on the welfare of different stakeholders who are either outright or indirectly involved in its operations.In the given case study, it can be distinctly seen that the nine U.S. st ates are up in arms with the software giant, Microsoft as they have a apostrophize case against it for allegedly trying to undermine an open source operating clay rival Linux. In the ongoing antitrust court case, the nine states are advocating tougher action against Microsoft which is seen as having get aroundd its ethical formula of conduct for trying to work underground in a bid to stifle the operating system developed by another different, rival software company. Ethically, there should be no company that should violate the operations of other different organizations. Therefore, by trying to stifle Linux, Microsoft would not be acting in a professional and ethical manner as expected by different stakeholders as this would reject competition within the industry. This is clearly shown in the case where the nine states argue that the judge should take as evidence the memo by the executive of Microsoft.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

From perspectives of grammar and culture, critically discuss Essay

From perspectives of grammar and culture, critically discuss similarities and differences betwwen English and CHinese with referecne to translation - Essay drillMore so, translation may be regarded as the perception of an aspect of a certain mental synthesis to another. This paper will discuss the similarities and differences between English and Chinese with reference to translation.Translation is essential in understanding different cultures among different races, religious and cultural groups in the world. Translation plays a key portion in understanding significant elements of different language groups (Chang 2003. 38). Translation from English to Chinese and vice versa is, however, impaired as the two argon of different language families, these are Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan. We note that word and conviction order, while relaying the same message, varies from one language to another. Both Chinese and English use the Subject Verb influence logic in sentences. Whereas th e syntax applied in one language may be silver and clear, the same a translation of the message in a word-for-word system may effect in the message becoming obscure or incomprehensible (Abacus 2006, 27).For instance, in Chinese, adjectives and adverbs are placed in the beginning the noun or verb being modified, while, on the other hand, in English, the modifiers are placed after the noun or verb they are modifying. A good example of the illogicalness associated with literal translations the original English version We are in the field practicing. The literal translation in Chinese is We have football practice field. The translated version, though refreshing in Chinese, is absurd and wrong in English. Moreover, translation of set statements where the word system is based on traditional use may distort the syntax of the statement when translated into another language. For instance, the traditional Chinese expression fan-yan sheng-xi literary translated to English means multiply and live (Chang 2003, 49). The translated version is incomprehensible in the English language, with a viable option being, live and multiply. This, however, distorts the

Friday, April 19, 2019

Perception Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

science - Research Paper ExampleMany individuals mistake these two separate entities as bingle in the same. This paper will distinguish the difference between the two and provide clarity of each ones function. This paper will also define how we as individuals acquire a cultural virtuoso of angiotensin-converting enzyme and perception through our experiences. This paper will define terms that will help you generalise the history behind the functions of sensation and perception. The research in this paper will define abnormalities that can usurp sensation and perception and the effects of those abnormalities as well as medical research and breakthroughs. Perception and detecting of Our Everyday Environment Perception and Sensation though working in concert argon different entities perform different functions. The functions performed by both perception and sensation are important to the interpretation of how we experience common life in the world around us. Sensation and perce ption are answerable to the brain. The brain is exchangeable a telephone pole and sensation and perception are some of the wires plugged into it to communicate. Perception and sensation to diffuse the confusion honed by most must be described and defined individually. Lets begin by first defining sensation and describing sensations functions. Myers (2009) observes or defines sensation as the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment. So what does this mean in laymens terms? Basically sensation is the signal we communicate to our brain that represents our physical experiences in this world we merry in. Sensation receptors are recognized by the brain through receiving input up to the brain, which the brain interprets and sends out. on that point are several interpretation methods that we know as the senses. The five senses are vision, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. These five senses are used on a daily basis and play very important roles in our commonplace lives. Without the use of the five senses, the function of sensation would not exist in our world. Vision is the way we see and interpret the world around us. Vision occurs through the eyes. The eyes have several components that receive and send out light to form visual images. The eye contains several part, the cornea, the iris, the pupil, the lens, the retina, the fovea, the rods and cones, and the centre nerve to name a few. For the sake of the length of research I will only cover a few parts to give the summarization of the eyes function and how it transmits to the brain. The parts of the eye that will be discussed are the retina, the rods and the cones and the optic nerve. The retina is the light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the receptor rods and cones plus layers of neurons that begin the processing of visual reading (Myers, 2009) The rods are the retinal receptors that detect black, white, a nd gray necessary for peripheral and twilight vision, when cones dont do (Myers, 2009) The cones are retinal receptor cells that are concentrated near the center of the retinal that function in daylight or in well-lit conditions. The cones detect fine detail and give rise to color sensations (Myers, 2009) The optic nerve is the nerve that carries neural impulses from the eye to the brain (Myers, 2009) So basically when putting all these functions together here is what happens. Once light enters the eye through the cornea, the retina processes the light through

Thursday, April 18, 2019

PepsiCo Team-Board of Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PepsiCo Team-Board of Governance - Essay ExampleThe come on of directors is tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the activities of a company. The activities of the board of directors are only delegated powers that are outside the establishment itself, which have authority given to it by the bylaws of the organization (Malline 82). The board often faces challenges, and at this team companys board, the most crucial governance figure is the compliance of public policy issues. There are countless issues that are put across that exploit and restrict the movement and actions of the board, which tries as much as possible to comply with these policies. In this starchys case, by bringing in public persons, there is a chance for the organization to find a clear-cut channel to address the compliance of certain policies. It also creates transparency that the fast(a) really needs. certain capitalism is what may be used to refer to the philanthropic activities that a firm is willing t o commence (Malline 87). This is in order to help the surrounding external environment benefit and also assist the firm benefit. The firm often participates in different sports activities for some of the different organizations that exist in the area. This is often through with(p) as a means to have donations for the groups involved, and also build awareness for the group in question. The skills and capabilities that the firm boasts of make it possible to have different activities in different areas, which also help in fosterage exceptional relations between the firm and the people in the external environment.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Econ 157 Problem Set Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Econ 157 Problem prune - Assignment ExampleThese curves can cross in more than one place. Here an unequivocal logical argument regarding the income statistical distribution of these two countries cannot be made. However Gini coefficient is a definite value between 0 and 1. If the Gini coefficient of unpolished-one is greater than country- two it can be concluded that country two has comparatively a better income distribution compared to the country-1.Poverty headcount ratio indicates the percentage proportion of commonwealth which is below the poverty line groom by the central bank. With increasing value of the denominator Po value of this equation can decline. Example countrys poverty can increase at a lower rate compared to the total population growth while decreasing Po. Here the headcount of scant(p) increase while the Po value decrease.Consumers spend a higher proportion of total household income to buy essential foods in poor countries. Therefore decreasing income can su bstantially decrease the calorie intake by the families in these countries. In developed countries consumers food basket includes non-essential foods and their utility is influenced by non-nutrient related concerns such as taste. Therefore income convince can affect minimally to their calorie intake.In the above model measurement error is produced from the undetected variables. In regression analyses it is assumed that unobserved factors are independent from the explanatory variables. However ability and learning are correlated. Therefore biased estimates can be produced.In describing the differences in economic development across countries geography and institutions are commonly used. Geography argument states that localized environment determine the quality of factors of return such as land, labor, capital and technology available in different countries. Thus location unique(predicate) characteristics such as climate, being landlocked, special linkages with other countries a nd endowment of natural resources

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final - Assignment ExampleConsumers who purchase these foods frequently have tight schedules that passelnot allow them to be preparing food at any time. People besides opt buying frozen food due to health concerns. Some argon keen to avoid be obese and thus prefer frozen foods due to their low cholesterol content.Television sets purchase is influenced by economic factors. Economic factors mainly centers on a persons financial status. The wealthy are able to buy bigger and more advanced television than the common people. The choice of buying a television depends on the money one has available at his or her disposal (Armstrong, 2009).For a follow to build and manage a brand strategy they must make decisions on the way to increase value to their products. This is by use of distinct style, and design, good style makes the product to be pull inive(a) to the customers. This can decrease production cost and enhance the reputation of the product thus beating of competition. Nestle r egular army products have distinct designs and styles which make them stand out from the rest. With the name, they have built in the market they do not spend much on advertisements because people already know them. Choice of packaging is also an important decision to be made by the management. Good packaging means the products becomes more attractive to the customer hence promoting sales. The Nestle USA products have some of the best packaging methods for their products. This ensures their product continues to attract the required attention and the same time maintain their mark of quality. (Armstrong, 2009).Market segmentation is the division of a market in terms of its demographics geographical boundaries and political nature. This creates distinct submarkets with distinct needs and interests. Through segmentation, it is likely for one to get a target market from a division whose interest fit with ones products. The vanadium characteristics of a substantial market segment are mea surability, accessibility,