Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay on Value Chain Analysis Ba - 626 Words

Value chain analysis Primary activities Inbound logistics Inbound logistics are about ensuring incoming materials and components are delivered on time and undamaged, are easily accessible and link to production requirements. In British airways this can apply to purchase goods for use in delivering services to customers. †¢ Ongoing relationship with suppliers †¢ BA and its suppliers work in partnership to deliver responsible procurement across the supply chain. †¢ Food and fuel be delivered at the right time Operations Operations are concerned with delivering products or services of a quality appropriate for the competitive strategy being pursued. †¢ Crew control see that each flight has the correct number†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Marketing Commercial Development Marketing Commercial Development collects and analyses customer feedback and information to find new ways of improving the service. It was the research that led to the development of the new Club World Flat Bed - the only one of its kind to be found in business class anywhere in the world. †¢ UK Ireland Marketing BA has an ongoing programme of campaigns, promotions and offers throughout the UK and Ireland. The UK Ireland Marketing teams devise and manage these initiatives, sometimes in conjunction with third parties such as the Daily Mail. †¢ Alliance Sales Alliance Sales works with the alliance partners in order to identify effective ways of selling together. †¢ Sales Strategy Drawing together data from all over the world, as well as information generated centrally, Sales Strategy help Field Sales generate effective sales strategies. The Sales Strategy teams use this information to review progress against current targets, and to devise new ways of meeting the sales goals. Service ⠝â€" On board service †¢ Special and medical meals If special dietary are required, BA can provide a suitable meal through Manage My Booking. †¢ MedicalShow MoreRelatedBritish Airwayss Environment1605 Words   |  7 Pages1.0 Introduction British Airways (BA) is the UK’s largest international scheduled airline, operating international and domestic scheduled and charter air services for the carriage of passengers, freight and mail and the provision of ancillary services. The airline flies to over 550 destinations globally and is considered to be a leader in the industry. 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